
[15-02-2025] order regarding enhancement of DA in favour of eligible pensioners.
[05-02-2025] Order regarding establishment of ' Equal Opportunity Cell'
[05-02-2025] Order regarding establishment of SC-ST Cell.
[ 31-01-2025] Circular regarding Income tax calculation
[29-01-2025] Call for Suggestions / Input from Stakeholders for Vision Document of BGSBU.
[20-01-2025] Circular regarding flag Hoisting Ceremony on 26th of January, 2025
[08-01-2025] Spokesperson of the University.
Fee circular for Even Semesters
Order regarding issuance of all degrees Diplomas of previous years
[01-01-2025] Order online training-Webinars regarding SAMARTH.
Order regarding for visiting of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Secretariat
Circular Regarding Gate-Pass for Students
Dr. Md. Affan Appointed as Coordinator, Department of Arabic
Circular regarding registration of Employees under Ayushman Bharat Yojna
Circular regarding Har Ghar Tiranga
Circular regarding CID verification of Contractual Employees
Centre for Research in Gojri, Pahari and Kashmiri Language will function Under the Control of Dean Academic Affairs for all its Administrative and Academic Activities
Dr. Ali Asghar Shah, Associate Dean, shall function as Officer Incharge University Work Wing
Dr. Titi Xaiver appointed as Associate Dean, School of Nursing and Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Mohd Asgher, A.P. Botany shall function as Coordinator, Dept. of Botany
Dr. Ali Asghar Shah shall function as Associate Dean, School of Biosciences and Biotechnology
Circular regarding Income Tax for Financial Year 2021-22
Circular regarding Ban on Polythene Products in the Campus
Circular Regarding Vaccination Drive
Notification regarding manditory Vaccination Certificate Submission
Circular Regarding CoVID-19 Vaccination Drive on September 04, 2021 at University Health Centre
Invitation for Cultural Event scheduled on August 28 and 29, 2021
Meeting Notice Regarding Two Day Cultural Festival 'Jashn-E- Rajouri-2'
Order regarding Enhancement of DA to 28 percent and HRA to 9 percent
Office Memo for information of the on roll students of BGSBU for Vaccination against COVID-19
Office Memo to ensure attendance of all the employees of the University
Submission of Online Scholarship Applications under different Categories and Schemes for the year 2021-22
Order regarding 14 percent matching contribution for NPS Employees
Notification regarding Independence day (Flag Hoisting Ceremony)
Notice in reference to the Decisions taken in the Meeting Held on July 27,2021
Urgent Consultative Meeting Noticeon July 27, 2021
Apex Advisory Committee for Admission
Last Date of submission of Online Admission Forms extended upto 31st July, 2021
Notification regarding extension of Summer Vacations 2021
Notification regarding Covid-19 Containment and Management
All Deans/ HoD's/ Principals/ Coordinators/ Controlling Officers are required to Implement Government Order No:27-JK(DMRRR) of 2021 Dated:02-05-2021
Condolence Message on sad demise of former VC BGSBU: Prof. Irshad Ahmad Hamal
Order regarding "BGSB University in Containment Zone" and related Restrictions.
All Deans/ HoDs / Principals/ Coordinators/ Controlling Officers are advised to take appropriate action as per Government Order no 24-JK (DMRRR) of 2021 dated 27/04/2021.
Dean SoET shall function as Chairman of IQAC with immediate effect
All Deans/ HoD's/ Principals/ Coordinators/ Controlling Officers are required to Implement Government Order No:174-JK (HE) of 2021 Dated:26-04-2021
Most Urgent Order regarding furnishing List of Achievements for Year 2020-2021 (Time Bound)
Office Memo regarding appointment of Chief Proctor.
Circular regarding timing during the month of Ramadhan
Various Committees for Smooth functioning of SoET
Condolence Message on untimely sad demise of Daughter of Sh. Nikhil Gupta
Programme on Gender Sensitization on 17 March, 2021
Circular regarding processing of files expeditiously
University to observe holiday on 12th March on eve on Shabi Mehraj
Circular regarding submission of files correspondence of teaching departments through Deans of respective Schools
Registrar and Controller of Examination to accord financial approval upto Rs.25000
Office-Memo regarding formal Deputation Order
Office-Memo regarding allotment of Rooms in Guest House Jammu through the Office of the Registrar BGSBU
Office-Memo regarding submission of Time-Table of Ongoing Semesters to Dean Academic Affairs.
Office-Memo regarding Teaching-Learning Process and Technology Driven Anonymous Student Feedback
Office Memo regarding Orders/Circulars/Notifications pertaining to Students/Public to be uploaded on University Website on Regular Basis.
Notification regarding creation of International Students Cell in BGSB University
Notification regarding Supervision of IQAC, NIRF and India Today Ranking Cell in BGSBU
Notice regarding Commencement of offline classes w.e.f. 22/02/2021
Invitation for Repubic Day Celebration, 2021.
Foundation Day Celebration-2020
In reference to DDC Election in Rajouri Constituency, University Main Campus to observe holiday on 16-12-2020
All Teaching/Non Teaching Staff to attend Departments/Offices on Regular Basis w.e.f 10/12/2020
Circular regarding late DD submission of various dues
Presentation on National Education Policy-2020 by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor on October 6, 2020
Sanitization of University Campus on Daily Basis
Reminder of Circular regarding Budget estimates 2020-21 and 2021-22
Instructions for Candidates appearing in Online Examinations August-September, 2020 amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidelines/SOP's for Conducting Online Classes
Notification regarding Independence Day Celebration
Circular Regarding Budget Estimates, year 2020-21 and 2021-22
University to remain closed w.e.f. 31/07/2020 to 04/08/2020 on the occasion of Eid ul Azha
Order of Dr. Ashaq Hussain Shah to function as I/C Head, Department of Physics.
Order of Dr. Majid Bashir Malik to function as Head, Department of Computer Sciences.
Order of Prof. G M Malik to discharge the duties of Dean, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Dean, School of Material Sciences and Nano-Technology
All faculty and students may attend ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT ABHIYAN,an initiative by Ministry of HRD,an initiative for efficient reforms in education sector through a webpage "MANODARPAN" on July 21,2020
Order of Shri Mohd Ishaq approved to discharge the duties of Registrar
Order regarding Reliving of Dr. Ashfaq Zarri to the Parent University
Order regarding suspension of class work till 31st July, 2020
Order regarding Rejoining University All Faculty
Order regarding Rejoining University
Order regarding Establishment Section, BGSBU
Order regarding effective containment and management of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the University.
Summer Vacations 2020
Promotion policy for Intermediate semesters of UG/PG and Diploma Programmes
Revised Academic Schedule 2019-20
Circular regarding Contribution towards J&K Relief Fund
Precautionary closure of University on account of threat of COVID-19.
Circular regarding e-tutorials to compensate the academic loss due to suspension of teaching in the University up to 31st March; 2020
University Admission Cell
Circular regarding COVID 19 UGC Advisory Compliance by BGSBU
International Student Cell
Circular regarding File Submission
Circular regarding submission of details for Income Tax
Circular regarding redressal of all matters of employees working in Various Nursing Colleges of the University
TEQIP-III: Minor Research Grant Scheme for Faculty Members of SoET, BGSBU
Notification of ST Scholarship Form Offline
Notification of OBC Scholarship 2019-20
Notification of Pahari Speaking People Scholarship 2019-20
Notice for submission of Minority Scholarship forms 2019-20
Circular for Submission of Identity Card form
Circular Regarding Inventory Management and Record
Release of D.A to University employees @17% w.e.f 01-07-2019
Notification regarding seeking of option from the State Service Employees for their allocation to the successor Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh.
Reminder for submitting details for Group Medical Insurance
Circular regarding adjustment of Advances.
Circular regarding Group Medical Insurance
Office Memo regarding payment of Pay-arrears of 7th Pay Commission.
Notifications regarding functioning of 2nd and 4th Saturday during this Semesters.
NAAC Sub-Committee Visit Schedule
NAAC descriptive points requirement
Notification regarding Printing of Vinile Boards for Departments
Submission of Attendance Report of 16/07/2019 (High Priority)
Circular and Format for Submission of Daily Attendance of Non-Teaching Staff
Holiday Notification of Colleges of Nursing, Rajouri and Jammu
Important Notification for all Departments for NAAC and SSR
University and its maintained institutions to observe summer vacation for teachers and students.
URGENT: Regarding Updation of Website Data
Notification of RAMADHAN Timings-2019
Construction Project Progress Monitoring cum Assessment Committee
University Works Committee
Revised Rate of DA under 7th Pay Commission.
Time bound: Statistical Data for the year 2017-18
Notice for facilitating quick redressal of all Student Matters
Steering Committee for Implementation of Project"Establishment of APJ Abdul Kalam Botanical Park"
Students Grievance Committee
Execution Committee for implementation of APJ Abdul Kalam Botanical Park
Reminder for the Submission of Monthly Report on Different Activities and Achievements from each Department.
Submission of Departmental Research Details for NAAC
Screening cum Evaluation committee for Promotion of Assistant Professors and other academic staff.
Submission of Monthly Report on Different Activities and Achievements.
Deficiency of Documents in Post-Matric Scholarship in ST Category.
Extension of Winter Vacations of Nursing College Kashtwar
Information Required for assessment of Income Tax for Financial Year 2018-19
Circular Regarding Career Advancement Scheme
Implementation of Reservation Policies of the Government in Universities
Information for the students who have completed their course in the university and apply for NoC
Revised NoC Format for students who have completed their course in the University
Leave Rules for Employees of BGSBU
Modifications in committees to facilitate smooth conduct of 2nd Convocation.
All Controlling Officers may submit the monthly attendance report in respect of the staff working in their respective departments/colleges/schools.
Grievance Redressal Desk Concerning Maintenance and Repair Under Estates Section for Redressal in Time Bound Manner.
Submission of Online Scholarship Applications Under Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme
Request for furnishing of Information/data under survey of India Today-MDRA Best Universities Ranking-2019 (Revised).
All heads of Departments are required to facilitate the process of obtaining NoC in respect of students of respective departments.
Request for furnishing of Information/data under survey of India Today-MDRA Best Universities Ranking-2019
Notification Regarding NAD
In Continuation to Previous Notification Regarding Convocation-2018.
Circular Regarding Deputation Request of Employees of BGSBU
Information Related to Deposition of Admission/Tuition Fee of 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th Semester For The Year-2018.
Committees to facilitate smooth conduct of 2nd Convocation.
Circular Regarding Constitution of Steering Committee for Analysis and Compiling of Data pertaining to NAAC.