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Department of Zoology
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Apply for Academic Arrangement-2024
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University Recruitment/Jobs
[17-03-2025] Eligibility List for the engagement of Junior Research Assistant in the Sponsored Project(Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language)
[12-03-2025] Appointment of Dr. Uqab Ali Baba on Academic Arrangement
[11-03-2025] Re-Advertisement notice for JRA to be uploaded on University Website
[06-02-2025] Readvertisement Notice for the engagement of Junior Research Assistant in the Sponsored Project entitled " Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language"
[17-01-2025]Re-Advertisement for Junior Research Assistant (JRA) recruitment under JKSTIC project entitled “ Modelling of Sediment Yield and Establishing Sediment Delivery Ratio Relationships in Upper Jhelum Basin" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
[03-01-2025] Modified/Updated Advertisement Notice Academic Arrangement for Nursing Colleges
[06-12-2024] Advertisement Notice for Executive Engineer (Civil)
[16-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the recruitment of post of Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Design and Implementation of Virtual Security Systems in Remotely Located Educational Institutions using Internet of Things (IoT)”
[16-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the temporary post of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) on the Research Project project entitled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)”, sanctioned by J&K Science Technology & Innovation Council, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement - Urdu ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement - English ,2024
Interview notice for eligible candidates for temporary position of Junior Research Assistant for the Research project sponsored by JKST&IC titled “Analysis of Solid Waste Management Systems and Impact of Non- Engineered Landfill Leachate on Ground Water quality of City Jammu, India”
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Department of Islamic Studies ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Botany,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Microbiology,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Environmental Science,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Gojri and Pahari,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Zoology,2024
Detailed Advertisement for Academic Arrangement-2024
Advertisement for Academic Arrangement-2024
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Urdu
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Microbiology
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Biotechnology
Rescheduled Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Persian
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Botany
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of English
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of English
Interview Postponement Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Information Technology
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Environmental Science
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Persian
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Gojri and Pahari
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Education
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Physics
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Islamic Studies
Detailed Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching- 2023
Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching- 2023
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement| Gojri & Pahari
Online Applications are invited for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ in Tribal Studies in the Centre for Research in Gojri, Pahari & Kashmiri Languages, BGSBU Rajouri
Detailed Advertisement Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching| Persian, Hindi, Gojri and Pahari Languages
Advertisement Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching| Persian, Hindi, Gojri and Pahari Languages
Extension Notice for the Position of Assistant Director, Physical Education
Advertisement Notice for Research Positions Under DBT Sponsored ‘Mission Program on Pediatric Rare Genetic Disorders’
Advertisement Notice for the Position of Research Assistant Under JKST&IC DST Sponsored Project ' Development of Block Chain based Smart Electricity Monitoring and Measurement System for Smart Cities'
Advertisement Notice and Application form for the Position of Assistant Director, Physical Education
Extension Notice Regarding Application Forms for the Position of Medical Officer
Short Advertisement Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching
Vacancies / Academic Arrangement for Teaching (2021-22) in Botany, Biotechnology
Extension Notice-III| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Extension Notice for the Position of Registrar, Controller of Examinations
Extension Notice-II| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Advertisement Notice and Application Form for the Position of Medical Officer
Advertisement Notice and Application form for the Position of Registrar, Controller of Examinations
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant (Contractual)in Hospitality and Tourism
Interview scheduled for Academic Arrangement in Hospitality and Tourism on 25/01/2022 is postponed
Interview scheduled for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges on 21/01/2022 is postponed
Interview Notice for the Position of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Hospitality and Tourism
Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in BIOECHNOLOGGY on Contractual basis for the session 2021-2022
Applications are Invited for Academic Arrangement in Teaching at Nursing Colleges of the University
Syllabus for Departmental Accounts Examination
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Urdu
Extension Notice| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Arabic
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Information Technology
Shortlisted Candidates for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | CE| EE|ME|ECE|Chemistry
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant in English on Contractual basis
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Islamic Studies
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | CE| EE|ME|ECE|Chemistry
Rescheduled Walk-in Interview for the position of Project Associate-ll under the project entitled "Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships"
Walk-in Interview for the position of Project Associate-ll under the project entitled "Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships"
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant in Environmental Science on Contractual basis for the session 2021-22
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in Microbiology on Contractual basis for the session 2021-22
Detailed Advertisement for engagement of Project Associate-II purely on contract basis under the project entitled “Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae:Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships”
Walk in Interview for engagement of Project Associate-II purely on contract basis under the project entitled “Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae:Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships”
Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Advertisement Notice for Position of Project Assistant in J & K Science Technology and Innovation Council, Department of Science and Technology sponsored project entitled “Synthesis and characterization of Dye Sensitive Solar Cells (DSSCs) based on natural dyes available in the region”
Detailed Advertisement Notification for Academic Arrangement in Teaching
Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching
List of shortlisted applicants for the post of Junior Research Fellow in the ICMR-funded research project “Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Anticancer Potential of Some Plants Used in Traditional medicine by Gujjar and Bakkerwal Tribes of Pir-Panjal Range of Jammu and Kashmir”.
Applications are Invited for the position of JRF in ICMR funded project.
Walk in Interview for the post of Research Assistant in CSSR Sponsored Project , Department of Management Studies
List of eligible candidates for the post of Project Associate-I under SERB DST project entitled "Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydrobiosidae: Trichoptera: Insecta) from Northwest Himalaya": Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships"
Walk in Interview for Project Associate I position in a Research Project
Corrigendum II for advertisement no GSBU/Zoo/serb/2021-03 dated 19-1-2021
Corrigendum to Advertisement No:GSBU/Zoo/Serb/21-03 for the post of JRF
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on temporary basis under the Research Project entitled “Developing methods for tolerance against drought and heat stress in Zea mays and Phaseolus vulgaris grown in Pir Panjal region of Jammu and Kashmir”, Sanctioned by the DST-SERB, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST Core grant scheme.
Interview Notice for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under Research Project entitled “Expressional and functional studies of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) towards elucidating its role and interaction with other proteins of extracellular matrix for rational drug designing in overcoming the odyssey of muscle loss”
Interview Notice for Position of Project Assistant Under Project titled “Livelihood Enhancement and Economic Empowerment of Gujjar and Bakerwal Tribals through Rural Technology Interventions in District Rajouri (J&K), India”
Advertisement Notice for the Posts of Accounts Assistant (Contractual) in BGSB University
List of Eligible and Ineligible candidates along with deficiency (If any) for the post of Controller of Examination.
Academic Arrangement for Nursing Colleges of the University. 2020-21
Vacancies /Academic arrangement for Teaching (2020-21)
Applications are invited for a position of Project Assistant in the project sanctioned by DST-SEED,Govt. of India
Advertisement Notice for the Posts of Assistant Professors in various Departments/Subjects, BGSB University
Advertisement for post of JRF in Department of Botany
Advertisement Notice for various teaching positions in different departments at BGSB University *
Re-Advertisement Notice for the Posts of Associate Professors and Professors in the School of Engineering and Technology, BGSB University *
✵ Form of Application for appointment of Teachers/Officers in the university (Editable Format)