[04-02-2025] Civil Computer Fundamental Postponement of External Lab examination
[31-01-2025] Rescheduled dates for External Lab Examination COET
[27-01-2025] Department of Education Revised Datesheet of M.A. Education Ist Semester(Regular) Jan2025
[27-01-2025] Examination of MA Islamic Studies postponed and Revised Date Sheet
[27-01-2025] Postponement of Theory Examination on account of Shab-i-Miraj holiday
[26-01-2025] Bsc Nurisng Supplementary Exam Rescheduled Date sheets examinations 2025
[24-01-2025] Postponement of Theory Examination on account of Shab-i-Miraj holiday
[20-01-2025] Revised date sheet for BSc Nursing II-Year III year and IV year
[14-01-2025] Date sheet for old courses EE department.
[14-01-2025] Rescheduling of B.Tech exam for Concrete Technology course.
[03-01-2025] Datasheet for MBA 1st Semester Examination (Regular & Backlog) July-Dec 2024
[01-01-2025] Date sheet MA Gojri Pahari semester 1st &3rd
[31-12-2024] Date Sheet MA Economics First semester
[31-12-2024]Date Sheet for BBA 1st Semester Examination (Regular& Backlog) June-Dec2024
[31-12-2024]Datesheet for M. Sc ist semester physics Batch-2024.
[30-12-2024] Date Sheet for M. A. Education first semester
[27-12-2024] Revised Theory B.Tech Examination Date Sheet B.Tech (1st,3rd,5th,7th semester)
[26-12-2024] Date Sheet Botany Semester-III
[26-12-2024] Date Sheet Botany Semester 1
[26-12-2024] Lab Examination Date Sheet B.Tech (1st,3rd,5th,7th semester)
[13-12-2024] Lab. Date-sheets of B.Tech 1st , 3rd , 5th & 7th semesters Examinations 2024
[06-12-2024] Revised Nursing datesheets for First and Second semester examinations
[04-12-2024] Date sheet for MBA 3 rd semester
[21-11-2024] | Datesheet of B.Sc. Nursing: Ist, IInd and IIIrd Semester Theory Examination (Dec, 2024)
[31-10-2024] | Datesheet for MPR-403
[15-10-2024] | Notification Regarding Examination Form for B.Tech. Semester-I
Revised Datesheet for MIS-416
Datesheet for MIS-416
Datesheet for MIS-403
Datesheet for Pre. Ph.D. Course Work, Department of Management Studies
Datesheet of M.Sc. IT, Semester-II, IV
Datesheet for course code CE-422
Datesheet of M.Sc. Zoology, 2nd and 4th Semester
Revised Datesheet for MCA,IInd Semester and IMCa-II,IV and VIIIth Semester
Datesheet for M.Sc. Microbiology, Semester-II
Datesheet for M.Sc. Microbiology, Semester-IV
Datesheet for M.Ed., B.Ed. and M.A. Education
Date sheet for B. Tech Laboratory examination(2nd,4th,6th and 8th Semesters)
Revised Schedule for Course Title:- Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Date sheet for B. Tech theory examination(2nd,4th,6th and 8th Semesters)
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany, IVth Semester (Regular/ Backlog)
Datesheet of M.Sc. Botany, IInd Semester (Regular/ Backlog)
Datesheet of B.Sc. Nursing, Ist Year, IInd Year, IIIrd Year, IVth Year
Revised Datesheet for M.A.Economics, IInd and IVth Semester, May-June, 2024
Revised Datesheet for BBA, IInd, IVth and VIth Semester, May-June, 2024
Datesheet for M.A.Economics, IInd and IVth Semester, May-June, 2024
Datesheet for BBA, IInd, IVth and VIth Semester, May-June, 2024
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing, Semester-I
Datesheet for MBA, IInd and IVth Semester, May-June, 2024
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Semester Examination
Datesheet for conduct of B.Ed 3rd Semester Internship Viva -Voce (Regular &Backlog)Examination, 2024
Datesheet of B.Sc. Nursing, Supplementary Examination, I.II,III, Ivth Year
Datesheet for M.A. Gojri and Pahari, Sem-III
Datesheet for M.A. Gojri and Pahari, Sem-I
Datesheet of MCA,Semester-I,III and IMCA, Semester-I, III, V, VII
Datesheet of BBA, Semester- I, III, V
Datesheet for M.A. English,Semester -I and III
Laboratory Examination Datesheet of B.Tech., Semester- I, III, V, VII
Rescheduled Examination Date of Power Engineering (PCC-EE-501)
Datesheet for MBA,Semester -I and III (Regular and Backlog)
Theory Examination Datesheet of B.Tech., Semester- I, III, V, VII
Datesheet for M.A. Education ,B.Ed. , M.Ed. ,Semester -I and III (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-I, III (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing, Semester-I
Pre Ph.D. course work examination notification
Datesheet for MBA HTM, Semester-II
Datesheet for M.A. English, Semester-II
Revised laboratory Date-sheets of B.Tech (new courses)/backlog (old course) 2nd , 4th , 6th semesters laboratory Examinations 2023
Revised Date Sheet for M.Sc. Physics 2nd Semester (Regular/Backlog
Date Sheet for M.Sc. Biotechnology 2nd Semester (Regular/Backlog)
Date Sheet for M.Sc. Physics 2nd Semester (Regular/Backlog)
Datesheet of MBA, BBA- Semester-II
In Continuation, Backlog Datesheet for B.Tech.,Semester-IV (old course)
Withheld Result Notification of 09-Mic-2020 Semester-III, Department of Microbilogy
M.Phil. Result Notification of Ms.Samreen Sultana, Department of Zoology
Datesheet for Engineering Mechanics (Backlog), Semester-II
Revised Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-II, IV
Rescheduled Datesheet of B.Tech/BE End Semester Examination due to summer vacations (Effective for papers Earlier Scheduled after May 31, 2023)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Environmental Science, Semester-IV
Revised Theory Examination Datesheet of B.Tech/BE (Regular and Backlog) for 2nd,4th,6th,8th semester
Practical Examination Date Sheet of B.Tech/BE for 2nd,4th,6th,8th semester
Datesheet for Diploma in Engineering (Laboratory), Semester- II, IV, VI, May-June2023
Datesheet for Diploma in Engineering (Theory), Semester- II, IV, VI, May-June2023
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-IV
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,Ist, IInd, IIIrd and IVth Year
Datesheet for M.Sc. IT., Semester-II, IV
Datesheet of MBA-Semester-IV, B.VoC. Semester-II,IV, VI
Tentative Datesheet for BBA , Semester-II,IV, VI (Regular and Backlog)
Tentative Datesheet for MBA , Semester-II,IV (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,Ist, IInd, IIIrd and IVth Year
Datesheet for M.Sc. Environmental Science,Semester-I
Datesheet for Diploma in Engineering, Semester-VI, Supplemenary Examination
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester -I
Datesheet for MBA-HTM, Semester-I & B.VoC Semester-III
Datesheet for MBA & BBA, Semester-I (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester -III
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-I for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for Pre Ph.D. Course Work, Department of Management Studies
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-VII (Backlog, old course)
Revised Datesheet for BBA, Semester-V for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-I (Backlog) New Course
Datesheet for 1st Semester Diploma Engineering (Regular and Backlog) Lab Courses
Datesheet for 3rd and 5th Semester Diploma Engineering (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-VII (New Course)
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-III (New Course)
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-I (New Course)
Datesheet for Odd Semester End Examination for the students of Integrated-MCA (1st, 3rd and 5th semester) and MCA (1st and 3rd Semester) to be held in December, 2022
Revised Datesheet for B.Tech. Practical Examination Semester I,III, V ( Earlier Scheduled on January 12,13 2023)
Revised Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester I,V ( Earlier Scheduled on December 16, 2022)
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-III for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-III for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-V for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for MBA-HTM, Semester-III, B.VoC. (Semester-I,V) for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-III for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-III for the session June-Dec, 2022-23
Datesheet for M.Sc. Environmental Science, Semester-III for the session 2022-23
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T. Odd Semesters (First/Third) for the session 2022-23
Datesheet for B.Tech.(New Course) Lab Examination
Datesheet for B.Tech. (Old Course Lab Examination, Semester -VIi (Backlog)
Datesheet for B.Tech. (Old Course), Examination, Semester- III,V, VII (Backlog)
Datesheet for B.Tech. (New Course), Examination, Semester -V (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester -II
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester -IV
Datesheet for MBA-HTM, B.VoC- Semester -II
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-II
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-II
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-II
Datesheet for B.Tech., Semester -VII (Backlog, New Course) Special Exam
Datesheet for Ph.D. Course Work Examination, Environmental Science
Datesheet for Ph.D. Course Work Examination, Department of Botany
Revised Datesheet for Major Project, B.Tech. ITE,CE, Semester-VIII
Datesheet for MBAHTM, Semester-IV, B.VoC- Semester-IV,VI
Datesheet for M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-II
Datesheet for M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-IV
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-IV
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-VI (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-IV (Regular and Backlog)
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-IV
Datesheet for M.Sc. IT, Semester-II, IV
Ph.D. Viva-Voce Notification of Ms. Samiksha Sharma, Department of English
Datesheet for Lab Examination of B.Tech./B.E. Evening 2nd, 4th,6th,8th Semester (New course)
Datesheet for Lab Examination of B.Tech./B.E. Evening 2nd, 4th,6th,8th Semester (old course)
Datesheet for B.Tech. /B.E. Evening, 2nd,4th,6th and 8th Semester Examination(Regular, old course)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-III (Remaining Subjects)
Datesheet for Laboratory Examination of B.Tech./B.E., Semester-III, V (New Course)
Datesheet for Laboratory Examination of B.Tech., Semester-V (old course, Backlog)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Env. Science, Semester-III (Remaining Subjects)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Botany, Semester-III (Remaining Subjects)
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-III
Datesheet for MBA, BBA, Semester-III, III and V respectively
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-III
Datesheet for BBA, Semester-III, V
Datesheet for B.VoC, Semester-III
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing, (Ist, IInd, IIIrd, IVth Year)Theory Examination for College of Nursing Rajouri, Jammu, Kishtwar
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-I
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Khalid Hussain Mir, Department of Islamic Studies
Datesheet for M.Sc.Environmental Science, Semester-I
Datesheet for B.Ed., Semester-I
Datesheet for M.Ed., Semester-I
Datesheet for M.A. Education, Semester-I
Datesheet for MBA-HTM, Semester-I
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T., Semester-I
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for MBA, BBA, Semester-I
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-III
Notification Regarding Postponement of Examination of BBA, Semester-V
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester-III
Datesheet for MBAHTM, Semester-III and B.VoC. Semester-III and V
DateSheet for B.Tech. Laboratory Examination Backlogs (Old Course), Sem-I & Semester-V
Date Sheet for B.Tech/B.E.. Laboratory Examination (New Course), Semester-I,III,V
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - I (Old-Course)
Examination (Backlog) January, 2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - I (New Course)
Examination (Regular / Backlog) January, 2022
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Zafar Iqbal Nahvi, Department of Urdu
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Irfan Ahmed Thoker, Department of Urdu
Datesheet for B.Ed., M.A. Education and M.Ed., Semester-III and Semester-IV (Backlog)
Datesheet for M.A. English, Semester-III
B.Tech/B.E. Semester-VII, Date Sheet for Laboratory Examination, (New Course)
B.Tech. Semester-VII, Date Sheet for Laboratory Examination, (Backlog,Old Course)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Biotechnology, Semester-III
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-III and BBA, Semester-III and V
Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-III
Revised Datesheet of B.Tech./B.E. Semester-VII (New Course)
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T., Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Botany, Semester-III
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - VII (Old Course)
Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester – V (Old Course)
Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-202
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - III (Old Course) Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Revised Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - V (New Course)
Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - VII (New Course)
Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - III (New Course)
Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - V (New Course)
Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Revised Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,Year-I,II,III & IV (Rajouri, Jammu and Kishtwar colleges of Nursing)
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms.Zabina Koser, Department of Arabic
Revised Datesheet for B.Voc, Semester-IV
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Taslima Sheikh, Department of Zoology
Datesheet of MBA, BBA , odd semester Examination ( For students who could not submit the response due to technical issues)
Viva-Voce of Mr. Yasir Ahmad Khanday , Ph.D. Scholar, Department of English is Postponed
Viva-Voce Examination Notification of BBA-615
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Yasir Khanday, Department of English
Datesheet for M.Phil. Management Studies, Semester-I
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester-II (Morning, Evening, Applied Mathematics)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester-II (Morning, Evening, Applied Mathematics)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester-II (Morning, Evening, Applied Mathematics)
Revised Date of Examination for Course Code: Mgt-246
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics, Semester-IV
Pre submission presentation notification of Ms. Nafeesa Mushtaq , Ph.D. Economics
Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-II (Regular and Backlog)
Revised Date Sheet of M.A Urdu 2nd Semester July 2021
Datesheet of M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Semester-II (Theory and Lab Course)
Datesheet of MCA and IMCA, Semester-II (Theory and Lab Examination)
Datesheet of M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-II
Datesheet for conduct of MCQ based online Theory Examinations of students of MBA-HTM, Semester-II
Datesheet for conduct of MCQ based online Theory Examinations of students of B.Voc 2nd semester (July 2021, Regular and Backlog).
Datesheet for MBA, BBA (Regular and Backlog Examination), Semester-II
Date-Sheet for Pre-PhD Examination in Computer Sciences, Batch 2020
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Aamir Ahmad Teeli, Department of Economics
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Aamir Ahmad Teeli, Department of Economics
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Aabid Suhail, Department of Economics
Ph.D. and M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Azra Mufti and Mr.Tawseef Ahmed Parray . Respectively
Revised Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination for B.Tech, Semester-II
Date sheet for M.Sc. IT, Semester-IV
Date sheet for M.Sc. IT, Semester-II
Datesheet of B.Voc, Semester-VI
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Civil Engineering
Revised Datesheet for B.Tech, Semester-II (Lab Examination, Old Course)
Revised Datesheet for B.Tech, Semester-II (Lab Examination)
Datesheet for B.Tech, Semester-II (Lab Examination, Old Course)
Datesheet for B.Tech, Semester-II (Lab Examination)
Datesheet of B.Tech, Semester-II (Backlog, Old Course)
Date Sheet for Even Semester Examination,June 2021 MCS 4th and 2nd Semester (Regular & Backlog), Examination (Theory)
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-IV
Datesheet for M.A. Urdu, Semester-IV
Datesheet for MBA,4th Semester and BBA-IVth and VIth Semester
Date Sheet for M.A. Arabic and B.A. Arabic(Hons), Semester-IV and Semester VI
Revised Date Sheet of B.Tech./BE (4, 6 & 8) semester
Datesheet for M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-IV
Date Sheet for M.A Urdu 4th Semester 2021(June)
Date Sheet for the conduct of MCQs based online theory Examination of M.A English, 4th Semester
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Economics
Date Sheet for Conduct of Online Theory Examinations (Regular & Backlog) of B.Ed, M.Ed & M.A (Edu) 4th Semester Examination to be held in June 2021
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Information Technology
Open PhD Viva Voce Notification of Miss Sabeeha Mufti, Department of Management.
Open PhD Viva Voce Notification of Miss Sabeeha Mufti, Department of Management.
Online PhD Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Mohd Farooq, Department of Arabic
Datesheet for M.Sc. Microbiology, Semester-I
Datesheet for M.Sc. Zoology, Semester-I
DateSheet of B.Tech, Semester IV,VI and VIII, Sessional-I
Notice of Open Viva-Voce of Ms. Firasth Nabi, Research Scholar in the Department of Computer Sciences
Notice regarding pre submission presentation of Ph.D. thesis
Datesheet for MBA,3rd Semester (Backlog)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Mathematics (Morning, Evening) and M.Sc. Mathematics (Specialization: Applied Mathematics), Semester-I
Postponement of PhD Viva-Voce of Mr. Vinay Kumar, School of Management Studies
Revised Date Sheet for BSc Nursing 1st Year
Notice regarding Open Viva-Voce of Mr. Vinay Kumar, Research Scholar in the School of Management Studies
Revised Date Sheet for B.Voc 1st Semester (Regular and Backlog)
Date Sheet for M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester (Regular/Backlog), starting from 15th March, 2021.
Datesheet for B.VoC, Ist Semester Examination (Regular & Backlog), Session-March, 2021
Datesheet for M.A. Education, Ist Semester Examination (Regular & Backlog), Session-March, 2021
Datesheet for M.Ed Ist Semester Examination (Regular & Backlog), Session-March, 2021
Datesheet for B.Ed Ist Semester Examination (Regular & Backlog), Session-March, 2021
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of M.Sc. I.T., Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory/Practical Examination of Students of M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Semester-I
Revised Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,2nd Year for College of Nursing Rajouri,Jammu and Kishtwar
Date sheet for B.Tech,Lab Examination(CE/ECE/EE/ITE/CSE(Regular/Backlog), Semester-I
Date sheet for B.Tech. (CE/ECE/EE/ITE/CSE(Regular/Backlog), Semester-I
Change in Exam Timing for MBA & BBA,Semester-I Examination Scheduled on 01 March,2021
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of MBAHTM, Semester-I
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory/Practical Examination of Students of Diploma in Food and Beverage Services, Semester-I
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of MCA, Semester-I (Regular)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of M.A. English, Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of B.A. Arabic (Hons.) & M.A. Arabic,Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of M.A. Economics, Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of M.A. Islamic Studies,Semester-I (Regular)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of M.A. Urdu,Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of MBA,Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination of Students of BBA,Semester-I (Regular & Backlog)
Date-sheet of M.Sc. Physics- 4th Semester Backlog (REVISED)
Datesheet of B.Tech, Semester-III & Semester-V (Backlog)
Instruction for candidates appearing in B.Tech. / B.E Odd Semesters Exam Jan-Feb 2021
Revised Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing, 3rd Year
Date Sheet B.Tech. Semester VI Lab. Exam. (Batch 2012-2016)
Date Sheet B.Tech./B.E. Evening (Civil) Semester IV Lab. Exam (Batch 2012-2016)
Date Sheet B.Tech. Semester II, Lab Exam (Batch-2012 to 2016)
Date Sheet B.Tech,Semester I (Old Course, Backlog)
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics, Semester-III
Datesheet of B.Tech, B.E. Evening (Regular/Backlog), Semester-III
Datesheet of B.Tech, B.E. Evening (Regular/Backlog), Semester-VII
Datesheet of B.Tech, B.E. Evening (Regular/Backlog), Semester-V
Datesheet for M.Sc. Biotechnology, Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Microbiology, Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Zoology, semester-III
Examination Date for Zol-M.Phil.-03 ,titled Animal Biotechnology for M.Phil. in Zoology, Semester-I
Date-Sheet of Diploma Engineering (Practical Examinations) Semester III, JAN-2021
Date-Sheet of Diploma Engineering (Practical Examinations) Semester V, JAN-2021
Datesheet B.Tech B.E Semester-V Regular and Backlog
Datesheet B.Tech B.E Semester-III Regular and Backlog
Datesheet B.Tech B.E Semester VII Regular and Backlog
Datesheet of B.Voc Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Date Sheet of M.Sc. Mathematics & Applied Exam held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of B.A (Hons. ) Arabic Exam held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of M.A English Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of M.A. Arabic Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of M.A. Islamic Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of M.Sc. IT Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of M.A. Urdu Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Datesheet of MBAHTM Exam Held in Jan. 2021
Date Sheet for Theory and Laboratory Examination of M.Sc. Botany Semester-III
Date Sheet for Theory Examination of MBA Semester-III
Date Sheet for Theory Examination of M.Ed. Semester-III
Date Sheet for Theory Examination of BBA Semesters III & V.pdf
Date Sheet for Theory Examination of M.A. Education Semester-III
Date Sheet for Theory Examination of M.A. Economics Semester-III
Theory Examination of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd, 2nd and 1st Year Stand Postponed.
Backlog Datesheet for M.Sc. Computer Science,IInd Semester (Batch-2018)
Date sheet for B.Sc. Nursing-1st, 2nd & 3rd Year. Examination
Instructions for the Candidates appearing in
Online UG, PG & Diploma Engineering (Backlog) Examinations
December, 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,4th Year Examination
Datesheet for 6th Semester,Diploma in Engineering, Backlog
Datesheet for 4th Semester,Diploma in Engineering, Backlog
Datesheet for 2nd Semester,Diploma in Engineering, Backlog
Datesheet of MBA & BBA( Backlog 4th and 6th )
Datesheet of M.Sc. Physics 4th Semester ( Backlog exam )
Datesheet of M.Sc. Mathematics & Applied 2nd & 4th Semesters (Backlog Exam)
Datesheet of M.Sc. IT 2nd Semester (Backlog exam )
Datesheet of M.A. English 2nd & 4th Semesters ( Backlog)
Datesheet of M.A. Economics 2nd & 4th Semester ( Backlog Exam)
Datesheet of B.Ed & M.Ed 2nd Semester ( Backlog exam)
Datesheet of B.A Arabic, M.A. Arabic, M.A. Islamic Studies & M. A. Urdu (2nd 4th & 6th Semester) (Backlog exam )
Datasheet of M.Sc. Computer Science 2nd Semester ( Backlog exam)
Rescheduled Examination Notification for MBA-HTM, Semester-IV
Datesheet for B.Tech Backlog Examination for Semester VI and Semester-VIII (
Instructions for the Candidates appearing in
Online B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semesters II, IV, VI and VIII (Backlog) Examinations November, 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic
Datesheet for B.Tech/B.E. (Backlog,For batches 2013 to 2016 and 2012(Mercy Chance)) for students of Semester-II,IV,VI and VIII
Datesheet of M.Phil in Economics Semester 1st (Backlog)
Datesheet of M.Phil in Management Semester 1st (Backlog) (1)
Rescheduled Date of Examination for M.Ed-413
Date Sheet of B.Sc. Nursing for Supplementary Exams,Ist,IInd and IIIrd Year
Date Sheet of Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management, Semester -II
Date Sheet for Conduct of Online University Examination of Diploma Engineering Courses,Semester-VI
Datesheet of M.Ed- 4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of B.Ed- 4th Semester August 2020
Instructions for Candidates appearing in Online Examinations August-September, 2020 amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Datesheet of MCA & M.Sc. Computer Science-4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of MBAHTM-4th Semester, August 2020
Datesheet of MBA-4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Zoology- 4th Semester Aug, 2020
Datesheet of M.SC. Math & Applied, 4th Semester, Aug. 2020
Datesheet of M.Sc. Microbiology- 4th Semester, August,2020
Datesheet of M.SC. Physics- 4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of M.A.Urdu- 4th Semester, August 2020
Datesheet of M.A.Economics-4th Semester, August 2020
Datesheet of M.A .Arabic & B.A Arabic August 2020
Datesheet of M.A. Islamic 4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet f Botany -4th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of BBA- 6th Semester August 2020
Datesheet of M.A. English- 4th Semester , Sep. 2020
Datesheet B.Tech B.E Semester-VIII (Regular) August 2020
Instructions for filling Backlog Examination Form
Examination form for Backlog students
Date Sheet for Conduct of Viva-Voce on Major Project Diploma Engg. Sem-VI (Regular) July 2020
Date Sheet viva voce of Major Project Phase-II of B. Tech ITE Semester-VIII
Date Sheet viva voce of Major Project Phase-II of B. Tech CE Semester-VIII
Date Sheet viva voce of Major Project Phase-II of B. Tech EE Semester-VIII