Notifications |
[20-03-2025] Readvertisement notice for the engagement of Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model"
[20-03-2025] PhD Viva Notice of Mr Mudasir Ahmed
[06-03-2025] Ph.D. viva notification of Mr. Shahid Yousuf Ganie, Department of Zoology
[02-03-2025] PhD viva notification of Mr. Zahid Ahmad Mangral, PhD scholar, Department of Biotechnology,
[19-02-2025] Viva voce examination of Mr. Aquib Majeed, Department of Zoology
[07-02-2025] Readvertisement Notice for the engagement of Junior Research Assistant [ Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language]
[06-02-2025] Extension of Date of Registration for Common University Entrance Test [CUET(PG)] - 2025.
[29-01-2025] Postponed of pre submission presentation of Mr Khalid Mehraj and Mr Aabid Yousuf
[23-01-2025] Pre submission presentation of Mr. Khalid Mehraj research scholar Department of Management studies
[23-01-2025] Pre submission presentation of Aabid Yousuf Research scholar Department of Management studies
[20-01-2025] Ph.D Result Notifications of Mr. Ghayas Ahmed, Department of Computer Science
[16-01-2025] Phd Pre submission presentation of Mr. Ajaz Ahmed Dar
[03-01-2025] Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed Department of Arabic
[03-01-2025] Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Zahid Ahmad Naik Department of Islamic Studies
[03-01-2025] Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Sajid Muneer Department of Urdu
[31-12-2024] Winter Vacations for Nursing College Kishtwar
[30-12-2024] Tentative Seniority List of Assistant Professors / Associate Professors.
[19-12-2024] Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Waheed Ahmed, Department of Arabic
[19-12-2024] Ph.D Result Notification of Ms. Aasima Nazir, Department of Economics
[19-12-2024] Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Aejaz Hussain Parrey, Department of Zoology
[19-12-2024] Pre-submission notice phd.pdf
[19-12-2024] Circular on postponement of lab examination
[16-12-2024] Exam Postponement of BBA-SE-307 and BBA-F-3
[11-12-2024] Notification for ST Scholarship for the year 2024-25
[10-12-2024] I PhD Viva Voce of Zahid Ahmad Naik, Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies
[04-12-2024] Ph.D. Result Notification of Manzoor Hussain, Department of Urdu
[02-12-2024] | Ph.D. Result of Nahida Koser, Department of Arabic
[02-12-2024] | PhD result of Tanveer Nasir Department of MBA HTM
[02-12-2024] | Postponement of BSc Nursing Semester Examination
[02-12-2024] | List of Eligible candidates for the Interview of the post of Junior Research Assistant for the Research Project titled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
[29-11-2024] | Regarding Increasing number of incidents related to rash and reckless driving
[29-11-2024] | Ph.D. Result of Tanveer Nasir, Centre for Hospitality & Tourism Management
[29-11-2024] | Ph.D. Result of Nahida Koser, Department of Arabic
[26-11-2024] | Ph.D. viva-voce of Mr. Ghayas Ahmed, Ph.D scholar in the Department of Computer Sciences
[26-11-2024] | Winter vacation notification
[22-11-2024] | Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr. Sajid Muneer (Urdu)
[19-11-2024] | Ph.D. Pre-Submission Presentation Notice of Mr. Peerzada Gh Mohammad (Economics)
[13-11-2024] | Ph.D viva voce of Ms. Aasima Nazir, Research scholar in Department of Econonics BGSBU on 18th of November 2024 at 10am.
[09-11-2024] | List of eligible candidates for the interview of the post of Junior Research Assistant for the Research project titled Hybrid Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Handcrafted and CNN Features
[08-11-2024] | Notification Regarding Submission of Online Scholarship applications under "Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme for the Wards of Central Armed Police Forces, Assam Rifles &States/UTs Police Personnel" for the year 2024-25.
[08-11-2024] | Notification Regarding Submission of Online Scholarship applications under Central Sector Scheme "SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES" for the year 2024-25.
[07-11-2024] | Extension Notice-II Regarding E-Tenders for Supply of Submersible Pumping Machinery
[29-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the for the Position of Junior Research Assistant for the Project titled "Realistic Healthcare Management System for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus using Lifestyle/Biological Data for J&K-UT, India"
[29-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the Position of Junior Research Assistant for the Project titled " Prediction of Multiple Diseases Based on Lifestyle Data"
[29-10-2024] | Extension Notice Regarding E-Tenders for Supply of Submersible Pumping Machinery
[29-10-2024] |Extension for the last date in the submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the research project entitled “Modelling of Sediment Yield and Establishing Sediment Delivery Ratio Relationships in Upper Jhelum Basin" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
[28-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sarshad Hussain, Department of Zoology
[28-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Farhana Ajaz, Department of Computer Science
[28-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Surayya Naseer, Department of Arabic
[28-10-2024] | Notification for Pragati Scholarship for Girls Students for the Year 2024-25
[28-10-2024] | Notification for National Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies for the Year 2024-25
[28-10-2024] | Notification for Swanath Scholarship for the Year 2024-25
[28-10-2024] | Notification for Saksham Scholarship for the Year 2024-25
[28-10-2024] | [interview for the Post of Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language” shall be held on 06-11-2024 (Wednesday) ]
[23-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Basith Nabi Wani, Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
[22-10-2024] | ADMISSION NOTIFICATION TO LEFT OVER SEATS IN B SC. NURSING BATCH 2024-2028 (Under Self Finance/ Self Supporting/NRI / All India Seats)
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Tanveer Nasir, Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
[17-10-2024] | Result of 36-CE-2023, Semester-I & II , Earlier Withheld
[17-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Nadiyah Rashid, Department of Management Studies
[17-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Sakeena Muzzafar, Department of Education-
[16-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the recruitment of post of Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Design and Implementation of Virtual Security Systems in Remotely Located Educational Institutions using Internet of Things (IoT)”
[16-10-2024] | Interview Notice for the temporary post of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) on the Research Project project entitled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)”, sanctioned by J&K Science Technology & Innovation Council, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
15-10-2024] | Notification Regarding Examination Form for B.Tech. Semester-I
[14-10-2024] | Notice Inviting E-Tenders for Supply of Submersible Pumping Machinery
[11-10-2024] | Selection list for Engagement of Contractual AP / Teaching Assistant on Academic arrangement for Academic session 2024-25
[09-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Parray, Department of Management Studies
[09-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Najam Rouf, Department of Management Studies
[09-10-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Nahida Reyaz, Department of Computer Sciences
[07-10-2024] | Notification Regarding Examination Forms for B.Sc. Nursing, Semester-II, III
[04-10-2024] | Screening Report for the Post of Junior Research Associate for the project entitled “Design and Implementation of Virtual Security Systems in Remotely Located Educational Institutions using Internet of Things (IoT)”
[04-10-2024] | Re-Advertisement for Junior Research Assistant (JRA) recruitment under JKSTIC project entitled “ Modelling of Sediment Yield and Establishing Sediment Delivery Ratio Relationships in Upper Jhelum Basin" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
[04-10-2024] | Screening Report for the Post of Junior Research Associate for the project entitled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)”
[30-09-2024] | Meeting Notice for Students Involved in Unfair means/ Misconduct
[26-09-2024]|Extension Notice-II Regarding Tenders for Providing License for Running Shops in Campus
[26-09-2024] | Ph.D. Result Notification of Syed Misbah Bukhari, Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Farhana Ajaz, Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. S Shahid Yaseen, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Rukhsana Majeed , Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sadakat Akram, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sahil Nazir, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Ujala Amin, Department of Islamic Studies
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Ms.Najmu Nissa. Department of Computer Sciences
Extension Notice Regarding Tenders for Providing License for Running Shops in Campus
List of eligible candidate and Interview Schedule for Project Assistant for the project entitled "Design Analysis and Development of Directly Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Wind Prone/Hilly Areas of Jammu and Kashmir" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Notification for National Fellowship & Scholarship for ST Students 2024-25
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Nahida Reyaz, Department of Computer Sciences
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement - Urdu ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement - English ,2024
Interview notice for eligible candidates for temporary position of Junior Research Assistant for the Research project sponsored by JKST&IC titled “Analysis of Solid Waste Management Systems and Impact of Non- Engineered Landfill Leachate on Ground Water quality of City Jammu, India”
Admission Notice for 4-Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP) through “Design Your Degree”
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Department of Islamic Studies ,2024
Interview Notice for eligible candidates for temporary position of Junior Research Assistant for the Research project sponsored by JKST&IC titled “Mathematical Modeling of Mosquitoes Borne Diseases with Control Strategy in Jammu Region of UT of J&K”.
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Najam Rouf. Department of Management Studies
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -School of Engineering and Technology ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Centre for Hospitality and Tourism,2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Syed Misbah Bukhari, Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Basith Nabi Wani, Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Physics , 2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Ujala Amin, Department of Islamic Studies
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Persian ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Biotechnology ,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Microbiology,2024
Nasha Mukt Hostel Committee
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Environmental Science,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Botany,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Gojri & Pahari,2024
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement -Zoology,2024
Extension notice for online submission of applications for Admission to B.Sc. Nursing, Self Finance Category
Extension notice for online submission of applications for Ph.D. 2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr.Tawseef Ahmad Parray. Department of Management Studies
Eligible Candidate List and Interview Notice forthe post of Junior Research Assistant for the Research project titled Design and Development of a compact DC Model for short-channel Organic Thin-Film Transistors for Integrated Circuit Design
Re- Advertisement Notice for the Position of Junior Research Assistant for the Project titled "Realistic Healthcare Management System for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus using Lifestyle/Biological Date for J&K-UT, India"
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms.Sakeena Muzzafar. Department of Education
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Ms.Rubia Gazala. Department of Education
Abbreviated Notice| Sealed Tenders for Providing License for Running Shops in Campus
Circular Regarding Flag Hoisting Ceremony
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Hybrid Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Handcrafted and CNN Features” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Observance of National Anti-Ragging Day on August 12 fo llowed by Anti Ragging Week from August 12 to 18,2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr.Sahil Nazir. Department of Management Studies
Selection Notification for Ph.D.. Admission 2023 based on Entrance
Notice Inviting Quotations for Fibre Splicing
Cancellation of Viva Voce of MA Islamic Studies 4th Semester MIS-416
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Ms. Rukhsana Majeed, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Ms. Nadiyah Rashid, Department of Management Studies
Result Notification of B.Tech. CSE Semester - I Exam. Jan.-Feb., 2024 - Earlier withheld
Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Gulshan Rashid, Department of Arabic
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Rather, Department of Management Studies
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Admission Notification to B.Tech ,B.Tech.Lateral Entry, Under Graduate Programmes (Through CUET-2024)-Phase-I
List of Elible/ In-Eligible Candidates for the position of Project Assistant Under JKST&IC Project titled "Morphological and Molecular Diversity of Caddisfly Families Lepidostomatidae and Philopotamidae of Northwest Himalaya"
Contact details of Anti Ragging Squad
Contact details of Monitoring Cell
Contact details of Anti Ragging Committee
Re-advertisement Notice for the Post of Junior Research Assistant(JRA) for the sponsored research project titled “Design and Implementation of Virtual Security Systems in Remotely Located Educational Institutions using Internet of Things (IoT)”
Re-advertisement Notice for the Post of Junior Research Assistant(JRA) for the sponsored research project titled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)”
Extension in last date for submission of Admission application form ,B.Sc. Nursing (Self Finance Category)
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr.Sadakat Akram, Department of Management Studies
Re-advertisement for the position of JRA in JKST&IC sponsored project entitled "Mathematical Modeling of Mosquitoes Borne Diseases with Control Strategy in Jammu Region of UT of J&K"
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr.Faheem Ullah, Department of Physics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr.Mudasir H. Rather, Department of Physics
Counseling cum Admission Notice for Diploma in Engineering
Provisional Selection List-II, M.Sc. Botany
Provisionally Selected Candidates for admission to M.A Gojri & Pahari-2024
Provisional Selection list-II, M.Sc. Zoology-2024
Extension for the last date in the submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the research project entitled “Modelling of Sediment Yield and Establishing Sediment Delivery Ratio Relationships in Upper Jhelum Basin" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Readvertisement for the position of Junior Research Assistant for the research project titled "Design and Development of a Compact DC Model for short-channel Organic thin-Film Transistors For Integrated Circuit Design".
Interview-cum-Presentation Notification for Admission to Ph.D. programme 2023
Extension for the last date in submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the Research Project entitled "Analysis of Solid Waste Management Systems and Impact of Non- Engineered Landfill Leachate on Ground Water quality of City Jammu, India" till 18/08/2024, (Sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K).
Provisional Selection List-1 for M.Sc Physics,Batch-2024
Selection List-I for Admission to M.Sc. Botany
Selection List-I for Admission to M.Sc. Microbiology
Extension Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement, Nursing College Kishtwar
Provisional Selection List of M.Sc. Environmental Science- 2024
Provisional Selection List of M.Sc Biotechnology 2024
Selection List-I for Admission to M.Sc. Zoology
Extension in Last Date for Submission of Admission Application forms for B.Tech, UG Programmes
Extension in last date for submission of Admission application form for Ph.D. Programmes
Screening Report for the Post of Junior Research Associate for the project entitled “Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language”
Expression of Interest (EOI) for appointment of Statuatory Auditors of Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri
Extension in last date for submission of Admission application form ,B.Sc. Nursing (Self Finance Category)
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Suhail Iqbal Bhat, Department of Information Technology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Junaid Amin Parrey, Department of Management Studies
Reschedule Notification of Lab Examinations for 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester Earlier Scheduled on July 18, 2024
Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement, Nursing College Kishtwar
The last date for submission of e-tenders for providing Catering Services in the University Hostels invited vide No. BGSBU/Reg/24/53 dated 31-05-2024 and Tender ID 2024_UDJK_249008_1 is hereby further extended Upto 11-07-2024
Ph.D. Entrance Test Result - 2023
Order Regarding Biometric Attendance
Extension Notice for CUET PG Admission Application Forms Upto July 15 , 2024
Extension Notice for Direct Admission Application Forms Upto July 15 , 2024
Ph.D Result Notification of Ms. Asra Aslam, Department of Islamic Studies
Readvertisement Notice for the Post of Junior Research Assistant(JRA) for the sponsored research project titled “Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language”
The last date for submission of e-tenders for providing Catering Services in the University Hostels invited vide No. BGSBU/Reg/24/53 dated 31-05-2024 and Tender ID 2024_UDJK_249008_1 is hereby extended Upto 06-07-2024.
Extension Notice for CUET PG Admission Application Forms Upto June 30 , 2024
Revised Answer Key of Entrance Test for admission to Ph.D. Information Technology - 2023
Applications are Invited for the Position of Junior Research Assistant for the Project titled "Realistic Healthcare Management System for Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus using Lifestyle/Biological Date for J&K-UT, India"
Applications are Invited for the Position of Junior Research Assistant for the Project titled "Prediction of probability of Multiple diseases based on Lifestyle Data"
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Project Assistant for the project entitled Morphological and Molecular Diversity of Caddisfly families, Lepidostomatidae and philopotamidae of Northwest Himalaya
University Admissions (B.Tech., Diploma, Undergraduate,Post Graduate, Integrated and Doctoral Programmes)
Answer Keys of Ph.D Entrance Test - 2023
Fee Notification for B.Sc. Nursing Programme
Ph.D. result Notification of Mr. Tanvir Ahmed, Department of English
Ph.D. result Notification of Mr. Peerzada Ajaz Ahmad, Department of Physics
Ph.D. Entrance Test Instructions
Hon’ble vice Chancellor’s Letter to Students
Ph.D. Entrance Test Notification -2023
e -Tenders for providing catering services in the University Hostels.
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Rather, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Junaid Amin Parrey, Department of Management Studies
Semester Wise Fee Structure for B.Sc. Nursing 2024-28 batch
Admission Notification for Self Finance / Self Supporting / NRI / All India Seats for B.Sc. (Nursing) 2024-25
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “ Modelling of Sediment Yield and Establishing Sediment Delivery Ratio Relationships in Upper Jhelum Basin" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Advertisement for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology Programme through Graduate Aptitude Test- Biotechnology (GAT-B)-2024
Meeting Notice for B. Tech students who were involved in use of unfair means during conduct of examination
Pre Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mrs Diksha Khajuria, Department of Biotechnology
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Project Assistant for the project entitled "Design Analysis and Development of Directly Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Wind Prone/Hilly Areas of Jammu and Kashmir" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
D.A. Enhancement Order
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for U.G., P.G., Diploma Programme (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2024 )
Extension for the last date in submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the Research Project entitled "Analysis of Solid Waste Management Systems and Impact of Non- Engineered Landfill Leachate on Ground Water quality of City Jammu, India" till 25/06/2024, (Sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K).
Extension in Last Date for the position of JRF/Project Assistant in Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Tuning the Sensing Properties of Some Rare Earth Based Metal Oxide Nanostructured Biosensors By SHI Irradiations”
Extension for last date in submission of applications for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Extension for the last date in submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the Research Project entitled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model" till 17/06/2024, (Sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K).
Extension for last date in submission of applications for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Hybrid Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Handcrafted and CNN Features” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Interview Notice for the position of JRF/Project Assistant in Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Tuning the Sensing Properties of Some Rare Earth Based Metal Oxide Nanostructured Biosensors By SHI Irradiations”
Extension for the last date in submission of Applications for the position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) for the Research Project entitled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model" till 17/06/2024, (Sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K).
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Mr. Peerzada Ajaz Ahmad , Department of Physics
Mr.Shahbaz Ahmed Mirza,JKAS joined as Registrar,Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University,Rajouri.
Applications / Nominations are invited for appointment of Vice Chancellor for BGSB University, Rajouri.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Evaluation of Jasmonic acid mediated cold stress tolerance in Solanum lycopersicum " sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the temporary position available in the Research Project sanctioned by the JKST & IC (DST) entitled on “Bioprospection of phytochemicals derived from medicinal plants of Pir-Panjal Himalayan region as source of novel inhibitors effective against New Delhi metallo beta-lactamase to combat antimicrobial resistance”
Extension Notice | Last date of applying for the position ofJunior Research Assistant (JRA) in JKSTIC project entitled " Mathematical Modeling of Mosquitoes Borne Diseases with Control Strategy in Jammu Region of UT of J&K" is extended till May 29, 2024
Extension Notice for Admission Application Forms for PG Programmes through CUET (PG) -2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Tanvir Ahmed, Department of English
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech. Programme (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2024)
Pre Ph.D. presentation notification of Shahid Yousuf Ganie,Department of Zoology
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Analysis of Solid Waste Management Systems and Impact of Non- Engineered Landfill Leachate on Ground Water quality of City Jammu, India" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Proposals are Invited for Empanelment of Hiring of Water Tanker at Nursing College, Jammu for Supply of Portable Water
Campus Buzz | Issue-05
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Diversity and Ecological Studies of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Insecta) of Rajouri and Poonch Districts of Jammu Division” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Advertisement for Academic Arrangement
Detailed Advertisement for Academic Arrangement
Notification Regarding Summer Vacations, 2024
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Hybrid Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Handcrafted and CNN Features” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled "Soil Erosion Assessment on Hill Slope of Jammu Srinagar National Highway using RUSLE Model" sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Design and Implementation of Virtual Security Systems in Remotely Located Educational Institutions using Internet of Things (IoT)” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Advertisement Notification for the position of JRA in JKST&IC sponsored project entitled "Mathematical Modeling of Mosquitoes Borne Diseases with Control Strategy in Jammu Region of UT of J&K"
Pre-Ph.D Presentation Notification of Mr. Zahid Hussain, Department of Zoology
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Fellow, Department of Physics
Admission Notification for PG Programmes [Through CUET-2024]
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Machine Learning based Design and Development of Apple disease Prediction and automatic Prescription Model (APDD)” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Extension in the last date of application for the position of JRA for the research project "Design and Development of a Compact DC Model for Organic Thin-Film Transistors for Integrated Circuit Design" till 30/04/2024
Proposals are Invited for Empanelment of Hiring of Water at Nursing College, Jammuter Tanker for Supply of Portable Water
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Junior Research Assistant for the project entitled “Development of Accent Based Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Kashmiri Language” sponsored by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council (JKSTIC) Department of Science and Technology, Government of J&K
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for one Project Fellow on temporary basis under a Research Project entitled “Developing techniques for tolerance against low temperature stress in Triticum aestivum cultivated in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir”
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr, Bakir Illahi Dar, Department of Management Studies
Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant in JKSTIC Project titled “Genomics of Selected Neuro developmental Disorders in Consanguineous Children from Tribal J&K”
Pre-Ph.D Presentation Notification of Mr. Zahid Ahmad Mangral, Department of Biotechnology
Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC project titled “ Design and Development of a Compact DC Model for short-channel Organic thin-Film Transistors For Integrated Circuit Design”
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the temporary position available in the Research Project sanctioned by the JKST & IC (DST) entitled “DNA barcoding of some endemic medicinal plants of Kashmir Himalaya and its uses in assessing adulteration in their trade”
Information Regarding JKSTIC Projects
Prof. (Retd.) Dr. Anil K Raina appointed as Ombudsperson
Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Mohammed Fareed , Department of Education
Ph.D Result Notification of Ms. Sabreena, Department of Economics
Ph.D Result Notification of Ms. Asiya Latief, Department of Education
Notification for Admission to Under Graduate(UG) programmes (CUET-UG,2024)
Revised Ph.D Result Notification of Ms. Firasath Nabi, Department of Computer Science
Notification Regarding Admission Applications for CUET-UG - 2024
Notification Regarding Applications for Graduate Aptitude Test- Biotechnology (GAT-B) / Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) - 2024
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Ms. Nighat Yousuf , Department of Economics
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Aabid Suhail , Department of Economics
Revised Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Asif Adil, Department of Computer Science
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Inayat Ullah Lone , Department of Zoology
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Aquib Majeed , Department of Zoology
Revised Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Akib Mohi Ud Din Khanday
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Asiya Latief, Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr.Mohd Fareed, Department of Education
M.Phil. Result Notification of Ms. Farzana Tabassum Rimu, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Sabreena, Department of Economics
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Shahidul Islam, Department of Computer Science
Notification Regarding Winter Vacations for College of Nursing, Kishtwar
Revised Schedule of Theory Examination for M.A. Gojri and Pahari
Revised Schedule of Laboratory Examintion for B.Tech. , Earlier Scheduled on February 07, 2024
Circular Regarding Information for Income Tax
Circular Regarding Information for Income Tax
Circular Regarding Flag Hoisting on January 26,2024
Earlier Postponed | Revised Schedule of B.Tech. , Semester -VIIth Examination
Half Day Holiday on January 22, 2024
Examination Postponement Notice for M.Sc. IT
Examination Postponement Notice for Diploma in Engineering , Semester-I
Examination Postponement Notice for M.A. Gojri and Pahari
Examination Postponement Notice for B.Tech. , Semester-I
Revised Examination Notification for M.Sc. Microbiology, Semester-I
Examination Postponement Notice for MBA-HTM and B.VoC
Revised Examination Notification for M.Sc. Environmental Science
Revised Examination Notification for M.Sc. Zoology, Semester-I
Examination Postponement Notice for B.Ed., M.A. Education, M.Ed.
Examination Postponement Notice for M.A. Persian
Examination Postponement Notice for M.A. English
Examination Postponement Notice for BBA , Semester-III
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Naveed Jeelani Khan, Department of Computer Science
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Mir, Department of Computer Science
Submission of Online Scholarship applications forms under (UGC) University Grant Commission Sponsored Scheme NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR POST GRADUATE STUDIES for the year 2023- 24 on National Scholarship Portal
Examination Postponement Notice for BBA , Semester-I, V
Walk-in-Interview of Assistant Professor / Teaching Assistant for teaching PG Programme in Gojri & Pahari for the Current Academic Session (January to May 2024)
CUET-PG Admission Notification -2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr.Shahid ul Islam,Department of Computer Sciences
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges.BGSBU
Notification Regarding Enhancement of Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sajad Ahmad Kumar, Department of Islamic Studies
Call for Nominations / Applications for Selection of Vice Chancellor,Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University
Walk in Interview for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges.BGSBU
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed , Department of Economics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notifications of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Mir , Department of Computer Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notifications of Mr. Naveed Jeelani Khan , Department of Computer Science
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Ms. Nahida Riyaz , Department of Computer Sciences
Notice Regarding ‘Viksit Bharat @ 2047, Voice of Youth’ Programme
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Farzana Tabassum Rimu, Department of Management Studies
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Ghayas Ahmed , Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Sajad Ahmad Kumar, Department of Islamic Studies
Notification Regarding Encouragement of University Students to Apply for PO, Junior Associate Position in SBI
Notification Regarding Winter Vacations - 2024
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. P Z M Naseem Ul Haq, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Tahir Nazir, Department of Economics
Notification Regarding AICTE Scholarship Forms, 2023-24
One Day Seminar on Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week in the Campus
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Ms. Najam Rouf , Department of Management studies
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Parray , Department of Management studies
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Ms. Farhana Ajaz , Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Anum Khan, Department of English
Selection List-II | Contractual engagement of Assistant professor(s)/Teaching Assistant (s)on academic arrangement bassis for Academic session 2023-2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Tahir Nazir, Department of Economics
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Tanveer Nasir , Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
Last date of Online Registration for Ph.D. Programme is October 20, 2023
Registration for B.Ed. and M.Ed. Withheld
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Basith Nabi Wani , Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
Selection List | Contractual engagement of Assistant professor(s)/Teaching Assistant (s)on academic arrangement bassis for Academic session 2023-2024
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Anum Khan, Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. PZ. Naseem-UL-Haq, Department of Management Studies
Extension Notice-II | Tenders Invited Vide No::-BGSBU/WW/2023/NIT-01
List of Applicants for Counseling/Admission in M.Sc. Zoology, 2023
Provisional List of Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Botany [NON CUET-2023]
Provisional List of Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Environmental Sciences [NON CUET-2023]
Merit List of Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Microbiology [NON CUET-2023]
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Mr. Junaid Amin Parrey , Department of Management Studies
NIT for Various Works
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Urdu
Notification regarding Scholarship Scheme of the University.
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Microbiology
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Biotechnology
Rescheduled Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Persian
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Botany
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholars-Mr. Sahil Nazir and Mr. S. Shahid Yaseen , Department of Management Studies
Interview Postponement Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Information Technology
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Environmental Science
List-III of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Botany
List-III of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Zoology
Notification for Special Convocation-2023
Spot Admission Notification for Various PostGraduate Programs
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Persian
Counselling Notice for M.A. Persian-2023
Merit cum counselling list for M.A. Gojri and Pahari
List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Environmental Science
List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Zoology
Spot Admission Notification for M.A. Islamic Studies
List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Botany
List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Microbiology
List-1 of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Zoology
List-1 of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Environmental Science
List-1 of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Botany
List-1 of Provisionally selected candidates for Admission in M.Sc. Microbiology
Admission Counselling Notice for M.A. Islamic Studies, 2023
Provisional list of the Candidates for admission to MCA-Programme- 2023
Provisional Counselling List of Candidates for Admission to M.A. Urdu, 2023
Provisional Selection List of M.Sc. Biotechnology-2023
Provisional Counselling List for M.Sc. Physics-2023
List of Candidates Provisionally Selected for Admission to M.Sc.-IT (Information Technology) 2023
List of provisionally selected candidates for Admission to M.A. Economics Programme-2023
List of provisionally selected candidates for Admission to M.A. Education Programme-2023
List of provisionally selected candidates for Admission to MA English Programme-2023
Provisional List of Applicants for Counselling cum Admission to MBA-HTM
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to MBA - 2023
Notice Inviting Tenders for Renewal of UTM (Firewall) Services Subscription of Sophos Firewall
Merit cum Counselling List of Applicants for Admission to M.A. Arabic Programme
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Information Technology
Notification regarding Examination Forms for UG and PG Students
Notification regarding Examination Forms for B.Sc. Nursing Students
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Gojri and Pahari
Notification Regarding Scholarship
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Education
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Rather and Ms. Nadiyah Rashid , Department of Management Studies
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Physics
Notification Regarding On Spot Counselling cum Admission for Integrated- MCA Programme-2023
Last Date for Admission to Various Postgraduate Programs is extended till August 20th, 2023
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Department of Islamic Studies
Provisional Category-wise list-III of the Candidates for admission to IMCA-Programme- 2023
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Neetan Sharma, Department of Electrical Engineering
Provisional admission list for B.Tech., Lateral Entry [NON CUET] -2023
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Zishan Ahmad Wani, Dept. of Botany
Provisional Category-wise list-II of the Candidates for admission to IMCA-Programme- 2023
Spot Counseling / admission to the vacant seats in undergraduate programs
Admission Counseling Notice for B.Tech. Lateral Entry
Important Notice Regarding Health & Well Being of Students
Extension Notice | Last date for submission of Tender for providing catering services in the University Hostels extended to August 31, 2023.
Provisional list of the Candidates for admission to B.A. Arabic (Hons.)-Programme- 2023
Provisional Category-wise list of the Candidates for admission to IMCA-Programme- 2023
National Fellowship for Higher Education of ST Students for the year 2023-24.
Provisional admission list for B.Tech. [NON CUET] -2023
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Centre for Hospitality and Tourism
Pre Submission Presentation of Ph.D. Scholar-Ms. Aasima Nazir, Department of Economics
Counseling Notification for admission to Undergraduate Programs
Registration Notification for Admission to PG Programmes through CUET-2023
Circular Regarding CAS
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Neetan Sharma, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Condolence Message on Sad Demise of Father of Mr. Zakir Hussain, Section Officer, BGSBU
Registration Notification for for Admission to UG Programmes through CUET-2023
E -Tenders for providing catering services in the University Hostels.
Hostel Fee Notification | Sir Syed Hall
Circular Regarding Course Content
Dr. Mohammad Rafiq Anjum to look after the responsibilities of Coordinator centre for research in Gojri, Pahari and Kashmiri Languages
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech. Programme (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2023 )
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for U.G., P.G., Diploma Programme (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2023 )
Last Date for Admission to UG, PG and Diploma Programmes Extended to July 15, 2023
Summer vacation Notification for Nursing College kishtwar
Advertisement for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology Programme through Graduate Aptitude Test - Biotechnology (GAT-B)-2023
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Priyanka Kumari, Department of Botany
Admission Notification for PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Ommar Ali, Department of Education
Survey Committee for the year 2023-2024.
Nomenclature Change in M.Phil., Ph.D. Degree in CS & IT. based on respective P.G. Discipline
Extension Notice | Last date for the submission of online application forms for the position of contractual Assistant Professors / contractual Teaching Assistants extended till June 05, 2023.
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Yaser Rafiq Mir, Department of Biotechnology
Entrance Test Syllabus for M.Sc. Environmental Sciences | 2023-24
Applications are Invited for Academic Arrangement in Teaching at Nursing Colleges of the University
Ph.D. Admission Notification-2023
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Sadakat Akram, Ms. Rukhsana Majeed, Department of Management Studies
Pre Ph.D. Submission Notification of Ms. Farhana Ajaz, Department of Computer Science
Summer Vacations Notification - 2023
Detailed Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching- 2023
Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching- 2023
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Syed Mohd Murtuza Bukhari, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr.Yaser Rafiq Mir, Department of Biotechnology
Entrance Test Syllabus for Admission to M.A. Gojri and Pahari- 2023
Admission Notification for B.Tech., Diploma, UG, PG Programmes- 2023
Notice regarding Postponement of B.Sc. Nursing Examination
Notification for Admission to Post-Graduate programmes through CUET
Office Memo Regarding filling of vacant seats of Nursing colleges under Management Quota
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Mahmood Hussain Mir, Department of Computer Science .
Interview - cum - Presentation for Admission to Ph.D. Programme (2022 - 23)
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Attiq Ul Rehman, Department of Mathematics
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Saima Nissar, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Mohd Irfan Dar, Department of Arabic
Applications are invited for two months paid "Student Internship" programme under SSR SERB Project.
Ph.D. viva-voce notification of Mr. Mahmood Hussain Mir, Department of Computer Science .
Result of Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2022
Ph.D. Entrance Test Notification for Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. SM Murtaza Bukhari, Department of Management Studies
Pre Submission M.Phil. Presentation Notification of Ms. Farzana Tabassum Rimu, Department of Management Studies
Admission Notification for M. Sc. Biotechnology Programme-2023 (through GAT-B)
Pre Submission Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Mir, Department of Computer Sciences
Extending the Registration for Online Application Forms of the Common University Entrance Test [CUET (UG)] - 2023 Examination
Notification for Admission to Under-Graduate programmes through CUET
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Mohd Irfan Dar, Department of Arabic
Ph.D. Entrance test Answer Keys (2022-23)
Ph.D. Result of Ms.Nadia Gul, Department of Biotechnology
Ph.D. Result of Ms. Nafeesa Mushtaq, Department of Economics
Ph.D Viva-Voce of Ms. Saima Nisar, Department of Management Studies
Notification Regarding Cancellation of Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Entrance Test - 2022
Pre Submission Presentation Notification of Ms. Sabreena, Department of Economics
Pre Submission Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Tahir Nazir, Department of Economics
Ph. D Viva-Voce of Ms. Flourance Chaand, Department of English
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification, Department of Computer Science
Rescheduled Date of Ph.D. Entrance Test - 2022 in the subjects Zoology, Biotechnology & Mathematics
Detailed Notification Regarding Ph.D. Entrance Test - 2022
Notification Regarding Ph.D. Entrance Test - 2022
Notification for the Candidates who have applied for management seat through online mode for admission in B. Sc Nursing, Session 2022-23
Notification Regarding Synopsis Presentation of Ms. Najmu Nissa, Department of Computer Sciences
Circular Regarding Republic Day Celebration
Notification Regarding 50% tuition fee waiver for the only female girl child admitted in any academic programme at BGSB University with effect from the forthcoming academic session (2023-24).
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Shahid Ul Islam, Department of Biotechnology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Asif Adil, Department of Computer Science.pdf
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Yasmeen Kouser, Department of Zoology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Shaheen Majeed wani, Department of Zoology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sajid Khan, Department of Botany
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Nusrat Rouf, Department of Computer Science
M.Phil Result Notification of Mr. Wajahat Waseem Tantray, Department of Biotechnology
Proforma for Opting Open Choice Elective Course under CBCS in Semester II
Schedule for Academic Activities of SoET, Session Jan-July, 2023
Notice regarding Winter Vacations for College of Nursing, Kishtwar
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Nafeesa Mushtaq, Department of Economics
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for U.G., P.G., Diploma Programme (Even Semester, Jan-June,2023 )
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech. Programme (Even Semester, Jan-June,2023 )
Revised Date of End Semester Examination for MBA. Semester-III Earlier Scheduled on January 02, 2023
Ph.D. Notification of Mr. Adeel Hussain Alie, Department of Management Studies
Notice Inviting Quotations for the Supply of Computer Network Hardware Equipments
Revised Date of End Semester Examination for B.Tech. Semester-III, V, VII Earlier Scheduled on January 02, 2023
Notification for Submission of Pahari Scholarship Application for the year 2022-23
Postponement of University End Semester Examinations scheduled for January 2, 2023
Accord of Administrative Approval to the Construction of Road from Rajouri to BGSBU
Notification Regarding Winter Vacations
Ph.D. Notification of Mr. Faisal Faheem Khan, Department of Management Studies
Revised Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges, BGSBU
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Sajid Khan, Department of Botany
Interview for Academi Arrangement in Nursing Colleges, BGSBU Postponed.
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Shahid ul Islam, Department of Biotechnology
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Wajahat Waseem Tantray, Department of Biotechnology
Interview Notice for Academi Arrangement in Nursing Colleges, BGSBU
Interview Notice for the Post of Chair Professor in Tribal Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Asif Adil, Department of Computer Science
Datesheet for B.Tech. Semester-I (Backlog, New Course)
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T. Odd Semesters (First/Third) for the session 2022-23
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Computer Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Nusrat Rouf Khan, Department of Computer Science
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Biotechnology
Entrance Syllabus for Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics, 2022-23
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Management Studies
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Electrical Engineering
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2022-23) for Ph.D. Information Technology and Engineering
e -Tender for providing catering services in the University Hostels
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notice of Mr.Adeel Hussain Alie, Department of Management Studies
Rescheduled Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination Notice
Fee Structure for B.Sc. Nursing ( Batch 2022-26 and Subsequent Batches)
Scholarship Forms for Eligible wards of the deceased employees of the University
Postponement Notice Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Faisal Faheem Khan, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Faisal Faheem Khan, Department of Management Studies
Datesheet for Pre Ph.D. Course work in Management Studies
One week Research Methodology Workshop in Social Sciences and Humanities.
Notification regarding Submission of Scholarship Applications (Minority/ Merit cum Means) for the Year 2022-23
Interview Notice for the Position of Lecturer on Academic Arrangement | Persian
Merit List and Counselling Notice for Admission to M.Sc. Environmental Science, 2022
Merit List and Counselling Notice for Admission to M.Sc. Botany, 2022
Merit List and Counselling Notice for Admission to M.Sc. Zoology, 2022
Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. EVS Entrance Test Conducted on September 08, 2022
Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Botany Entrance Test Conducted on September 08, 2022
Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Zoology Entrance Test Conducted on September 08, 2022
Notice regarding Submission of Online Scholarship Applications under centrally sponsored scheme "Post Matric Scholarship to ST Students" for the year 2022-23
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Rawhat un Nisa, Department of Zoology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Nazia Kouser, Department of Zoology
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr.Muntazir Abass, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Kaisar Ahmad Allie, Department of Zoology
Change in Entrance Test venue for the candidates appearing for Entrance Test at 'Humanities Block, Main Campus, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar
Entrance Test Notification for M.Sc. Zoology, Botany and Environmental Sciences
Officer Incharge, works wing to accord financial approval for maintenance and Repair of Essential Services
Ph.D. Admission Notification -2022
Ph.D. Admission Regulations -2022
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Akib Mohi Ud Din Khanday, Department of Computer Science
Ph.D Result Notification of Mr. Syed Tanzeel Rabani , Department of Computer Science
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement| Gojri & Pahari
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to B.Tech. Lateral Entry
Adoption of Circular No. F.No. AICTE/P&AP/Misc/2020 Regarding Admission to B.Tech. Lateral Entry
Counselling Notice for B.Tech. Lateral Entry
Notification regarding On Spot Admission for B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
Flag Hoisting Ceremony on August 15, 2022 at 9:30 am at Vice Chancellor's Secretariat
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology
Short Advertisement Notice ] Online Applications are invited for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ in Tribal Studies in the Centre for Research in Gojri, Pahari & Kashmiri Languages, BGSBU Rajouri
Online Applications are invited for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ in Tribal Studies in the Centre for Research in Gojri, Pahari & Kashmiri Languages, BGSBU Rajouri
Online Applications are invited for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ in Tribal Studies in the Centre for Research in Gojri, Pahari & Kashmiri Languages, BGSBU Rajouri
Notification regarding admission to B.Tech. Civil Engineering under SC Category
Notification regarding Selection List-II of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Gojri and Pahari
Rescheduled Notification for Examination Earlier Scheduled on August 09,2022.| Department of Mathematical Sciences
Admission Notification for Management Seats / All India Seats for B.Sc. (Nursing) 2022-23
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M,A. Education
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M,Ed.
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to B,Ed.
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Physics
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Urdu
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Mathematics
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Islamic Studies
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Microbiology
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. English
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to Integrated MCA
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to MCA
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Persian
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to B.A. Arabic (Hons.)
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Arabic
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. I.T.
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Gojri and Pahari
Selection List-V for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology through GAT-B-2022
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Economics
Notification regarding Fee waiver for Orphans
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to Lateral Entry to Diploma in Engineering
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to BBA
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to MBA-HTM
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to MBA
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to B.VoC. , Tourism and Travel Management
Provisional Selection List for Admission to Diploma in Engineering. Programme-2022
Corrigendum regarding Selection List for Admission to B.Tech. Programme-2022
Selection List for Admission to B.Tech. Programme-2022
Counseling Notice for Admission to B.Tech. Programme
Last Date for Submission of Admission Application Forms Extended upto July 31, 2022
Selection List-IV for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology through GAT-B-2022
Selection List-III for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology through GAT-B-2022
Selection List-II for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology through GAT-B-2022
Extension in Last Date for Submission of Admission Forms to UG, PG and Diploma Programmes
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Shahid Mohammad Ganie Department of Computer Science
Selection List for Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology through GAT-B-2022
Detailed Advertisement Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching| Persian, Hindi, Gojri and Pahari Languages
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Akib Mohi Ud Din Khanday, Department of Computer Sciences
Advertisement Notification Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching| Persian, Hindi, Gojri and Pahari Languages
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Syed Tanzeel Rabani, Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Shahid Mohammad Ganaie, Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Mohd.Qasim, Department of Mathematics
Datesheet for B.Tech., Semester -VII (Backlog, New Course) Special Exam
Admission Notification for Admission to Various UG, PG. and Diploma Programmes
Notification regarding Utilisation of Research Grants.
Notification regarding Fee Concession, Scholarship to various Category of Students
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for UG, PG and Diploma Programmes (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2022 )
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech, B.E. Evening Programmes (Odd Semester, June-Dec,2022)
Advertisement for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology Programme through Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B)-2022
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Samiksha Sharma, Department of English
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sheikh Aamir, Department of Management Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Sheikh Mohmad Arif, Department of Management Studies
Notification Regarding Further 10 % Reduction in Existing Tuition Fee w.e.f. Forthcoming Academic Session
Revised Datesheet for Major Project, B.Tech. ITE,CE, Semester-VIII
Extension Notice for the Position of Assistant Director, Physical Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Nisar Ahmad Mir, Department of Management Studies
Academic Calendar for Academic Session 2022-23 Except Nursing
Notification Regarding Summer Vacations w.e.f. 10-06-2022
Ph.D. Viva-Voce Notification of Ms. Samiksha Sharma, Department of English
Advertisement Notice for Research Positions Under DBT Sponsored ‘Mission Program on Pediatric Rare Genetic Disorders’
Datesheet for Lab Examination of B.Tech./B.E. Evening 2nd, 4th,6th,8th Semester (New course)
Datesheet for Lab Examination of B.Tech./B.E. Evening 2nd, 4th,6th,8th Semester (old course)
Datesheet for B.Tech. /B.E. Evening, 2nd,4th,6th and 8th Semester Examination(Regular, old course)
Ph.D. viva voce notification of research scholars, Department of Management Studies
Advertisement Notice for the Position of Research Assistant Under JKST&IC DST Sponsored Project ' Development of Block Chain based Smart Electricity Monitoring and Measurement System for Smart Cities'
Advertisement Notice and Application form for the Position of Assistant Director, Physical Education
Permission for re-opening of day care Centre.
Circular regarding Annual Fee for B.Sc. Nursing, IInd, IIIrd, IVtg Year
Notification regarding reopening of Day-Care Centre
Advisory Related to Parking of Vehicles in the Campus
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to Ph.D.- 2021
Extension Notice Regarding Application Forms for the Position of Medical Officer
Notification Regarding Enhancement of Dearness Allowance
Short Advertisement Regarding Academic Arrangement in Teaching
Vacancies / Academic Arrangement for Teaching (2021-22) in Botany, Biotechnology
Extension Notice-III| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Condolence Message on the Sad Demise of Father of Mr. Shakil Ahmed, Landscaping and Arboriculture Officer
Datesheet for Laboratory Examination of B.Tech./B.E., Semester-III, V (New Course)
Datesheet for Laboratory Examination of B.Tech., Semester-V (old course, Backlog)
Extension Notice for the Position of Registrar, Controller of Examinations
Notification for Nursing College, Rajouri Hostel Students
Welcome Note for all the Students after COVID Pandemic
Notification regarding reopening of University for offline classes
Pre Ph.D. Presentation of Mr. Faisal Faheem Khan, Department of Management Studies
E-Tenders are Invited for Providing Catering Service in University Hostels
Datesheet for B.VoC, Semester-III
Admission Notification for M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme,2022 (Through GAT-B)
Ph. D. Result Notification of Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh, Department of Information Technology
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Computer Sciences
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing, (Ist, IInd, IIIrd, IVth Year)Theory Examination for College of Nursing Rajouri, Jammu, Kishtwar
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Arabic
Centre Details for Applicants appearing in Finance Accounts Assistant Examination in BGSBU Centre
Extension Notice-II| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
List-VII of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Advertisement Notice and Application Form for the Position of Medical Officer
Advertisement Notice and Application form for the Position of Registrar, Controller of Examinations
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Islamic Studies
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Biotechnology
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
List-VI of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Ph.D. Result Notification of Waseem Ali Mir, Department of Mathematics
Ph.D. Result Notification of Khalid Hussain Mir, Department of Islamic Studies
Ph.D. Result Notification of Saima Qayoom Mir, Department of Urdu
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ishfaq Ahmad Wani, Department of Botany
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Management Studies
Interview Cum Presentation Notice for Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism
List-V of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Datesheet for M.Sc. Physics, Semester-I
Notification regarding University Timing from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Khalid Hussain Mir, Department of Islamic Studies
List-IV of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for UG, PG and Diploma Programmes (Even Semester, 2022)
Datesheet for MBA-HTM, Semester-I
List-III of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T. , Semester-I
Ph.D. result notification of Mr. Zafar Iqbal Nahvi, Department of Urdu
Ph.D. result notification of Mr. Irfan Ahmed Thoker, Department of Urdu
List-II of PROVISIONALLY SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO BSc. NURSING -2021-2022 (Under Management Seats/ All India Seats)
Interview Notice for the Post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant (Contractual)in Hospitality and Tourism
De-notification from Micro Containment Zone.
Notification regarding COVID-19 Micro Containment Zone
Interview scheduled for Academic Arrangement in Hospitality and Tourism on 25/01/2022 is postponed
Interview scheduled for Academic Arrangement in Nursing Colleges on 21/01/2022 is postponed
Ph.D. Entrance Test Result | Civil Engineering
Ph.D. Entrance Test Result Except Civil Engineering
Sealed proposals in attached format are invited for supply Laboratory Consumables
Declaration of Micro Containment Zone
Notification regarding Online Classes and Examination in view of the alarmingly escalating COVID-19 Cases
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Saima Qayoom Mir, Department of Urdu
Interview Notice for the Position of Assistant Professor/ Teaching Assistant (Contractual) in Hospitality and Tourism
Answer Key for the Entrance Test for Ph. D. admission 2021- 22, held on January 15, 2022
Notification Regarding Postponement of Examination of BBA, Semester-V
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech, B.E. Evening Programmes (Even Semester, 2022)
In-Person Teaching Classes including Clinical Classes of all Nursing Colleges of BGSBU will now be held through online mode with Immediate Effect till Further Orders
Date Sheet for B.Tech. Laboratory Examination Backlogs (Old Course), Semester-I & Semester-V
Date Sheet for B.Tech/B.E.. Laboratory Examination (New Course), Semester-I,III,V
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - I (Old-Course) Examination (Backlog) January, 2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - I (New Course) Examination (Regular / Backlog) January, 2022
Notification Regarding Postponement of Ph.D. Entrance Test -2021 and Rescheduled Date
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Hospitality and Tourism
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Islamic Studies
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Arabic
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Management Studies
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Computer Sciences
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Electronics and Communication Engineering
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Biotechnology
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Information Technology Engineering
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Electrical Engineering
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Civil Engineering
Roll No's of Candidates appearing in Ph.D. Entrance Test | Mathematics
Advisory Related to COVID-19 Safety Measures
Detailed Notification Regarding Ph.D. Entrance Test Scheduled for January 12, 2022
Extension Notice Inviting Proposals for Providing Maintenance/ Service of Photocopiers (SHARP, XEROX Make)
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Zafar Iqbal Nahvi, Department of Urdu
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Irfan Ahmed Thoker, Department of Urdu
Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in BIOECHNOLOGGY on Contractual basis for the session 2021-2022
Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in BIOECHNOLOGGY on Contractual basis for the session 2021-2022
Datesheet for B.Ed., M.A. Education and M.Ed., Semester-III and Semester-IV (Backlog)
Academic Schedule for Even Semesters (Jan-July, 2022) School of Engineering and Technology
Notice Inviting Quotation for Disposal of Scrap
Notification regarding Entrance Test for Ph.D. Programme
Datesheet for M.A. English, Semester-III
Applications are Invited for Academic Arrangement in Teaching at Nursing Colleges of the University
B.Tech/B.E. Semester-VII, Date Sheet for Laboratory Examination, (New Course)
B.Tech. Semester-VII, Date Sheet for Laboratory Examination, (Backlog,Old Course)
Syllabus for Departmental Accounts Examination
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Urdu
Extension Notice| Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Arabic
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Information Technology
Shortlisted Candidates for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | CE| EE|ME|ECE|Chemistry
Datesheet for M.Sc. Biotechnology, Semester-III
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant in English on Contractual basis
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | Islamic Studies
Datesheet for MBA, Semester-III and BBA, Semester-III and V
Interview Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching | CE| EE|ME|ECE|Chemistry
Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-III
Proposals are Invited for Empanelment of Travel Agencies
Revised Datesheet of B.Tech./B.E. Semester-VII (New Course)
Datesheet for M.Sc. I.T., Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Semester-III
Datesheet for M.Sc. Botany, Semester-III
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - VII (Old Course) Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester – V (Old Course) Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-202
Date Sheet for B.Tech. End-of-Semester - III (Old Course) Examination (Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Revised Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - V (New Course) Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - VII (New Course) Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - III (New Course) Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Date Sheet for B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semester - V (New Course) Examination (Regular / Backlog) Dec.-Jan., 2021-2022
Rescheduled Walk-in Interview for the position of Project Associate-ll under the project entitled "Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships"
Academic Calendar for School of Engineering & Technology for AY 2021-22
Notification regarding Winter Vacations
Circular regarding Lab Examination for B.Tech. / B.E. Evening
Invitation to Celebrate 18th Foundation Day
Walk-in Interview for the position of Project Associate-ll under the project entitled "Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae: Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships"
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor/Teaching Assistant in Environmental Science on Contractual basis for the session 2021-22
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in Microbiology on Contractual basis for the session 2021-22
Notice fo Extension:Proposals are invited for empanelment of hiring of Water Tanker for supply of portable water at Nursing College, Kanger Morh, Kote Bhalwal, Jammu.
Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in Education on Contractual basis for the session 2021-2022.
Refund of Security Fee of UG & Diploma Students, 2018 Batch
Refund of Security Fee of PG Students, 2018 Batch (III)
Refund of Security Fee of PG Students, 2018 Batch (II)
Refund of Security Fee of PG Students, 2018 Batch
Refund of Security Fee of PG Students, 2017 Batch
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2017 Batch (IV)
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2017 Batch (III)
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2017 Batch (II)
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2017 Batch
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2016 Batch (ii)
Refund of Security Fee of B.Tech Students, 2016 Batch
Refund of Security Fee of 39 & 46-ECE-2015
Refund of Security Fee of 33-CSE-2015 & 22-ECE-2015
Refund of Security Fee of 37-ECE-2015
Refund of Security Fee of 32-ECE-2014 & 04-ITE-2014
Refund of Security Fee of 14-ECE-2014
Refund of Security Fee of 47 & 51-ITE-2013
Refund of Security Fee of 47-CSE-2013
VC BGSBU mourns the unfortunate death of CDS Gen. Bipin Rawat
Postpone Notice: Walk-in Interview for the post of Project Associate-II, which was supposed to be held on 08-12-2021 under the project entitled “Morphological and molecular assessment of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of North West Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogentic relationships” is postponed
Detailed Advertisement for engagement of Project Associate-II purely on contract basis under the project entitled “Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae:Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships”
Walk in Interview for engagement of Project Associate-II purely on contract basis under the project entitled “Morphological and molecular assessment of caddisflies (Hydropsychidae:Trichoptera: Insecta) of Northwest Himalaya: Towards understanding their phylogenetic relationships”
Notice Inviting Proposals for Providing Maintenance/ Service of Photocopiers (SHARP, XEROX Make)
Applications /Nomination are invited from the eminent Academicians for the position of ‘Chair Professor’ under “Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Chair for Advancement of Information Technology in Rural India”
Condolence Message.on untimely demise of Mother of Mr. Maneer Hussain (GDH, Works Wing.)
Advertisement Notice for Position of Project Assistant in J & K Science Technology and Innovation Council, Department of Science and Technology sponsored project entitled “Synthesis and characterization of Dye Sensitive Solar Cells (DSSCs) based on natural dyes available in the region”
Call for Sealed Quotation for supply of shRNA construct for Matrix GLA Protein (MGP)
Proposals are invited for empanelment of hiring of Water Tanker for supply of portable water at Nursing College, KangerMorh, KoteBhalwal, Jammu.
Proposals are invited for empanelment of Travel Agencies.
Condolence Message.on untimely demise of Mother of Mr. Shahid-ul-Islam (A.P. Civil Engg.)
Provisioal Selection list of Various Ph.D. Programmes-2021
Notice Inviting E-tender for providing Catering services in University hostels
Notification regarding Restricted Holiday on 06-11-2021 in View of Bhai Dooj Festival
Ph.D. Result Notification of Ms. Zabina Koser, Department of Arabic
Detailed Advertisement Notification for Academic Arrangement in Teaching
Advertisement Notice for Academic Arrangement in Teaching
Revised Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,Year-I,II,III & IV (Rajouri, Jammu and Kishtwar colleges of Nursing)
Notification regarding commencement of offline classes for all semesters except semester-I
Order Regarding Revised DA to University Employees working in Regular pay level under 7th pay Commission
Notification for the Students Joining the Campus w.e.f October 25, 2021
5th Provisional selection list of M. Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology programme through GAT-B-2021
Format of Parent Consent Form for Child to stay in the hostel.
Notification regarding Hostel Fee
4th Provisional selection list of M. Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology programme through GAT-B-2021
Notification regarding Submission of Scholarship form belonging to ST Category, 2021-22
Notification regarding Submission of Minority Merit-cum-Means Scholarship form, 2021-22
3rd Provisional selection list of M. Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology programme through GAT-B-2021
Notification Regarding offline classes for Terminal Semester/Final year for all Academic Programmes
Extension of Auditorium Facility to Different Departments/Agencies outside of the University
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Yasir Ahmad Khanday, Department of English
Ph.D. Result Notification of Mr. Muheeb Ahad, Department of Islamic Studies
Result of M.Sc. Botany, Mathematics (Evening), Information Technology, Semester-IV
2nd Provisional selection list of M. Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology programme through GAT-B-2021
List of shortlisted applicants for the post of Junior Research Fellow in the ICMR-funded research project “Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Anticancer Potential of Some Plants Used in Traditional medicine by Gujjar and Bakkerwal Tribes of Pir-Panjal Range of Jammu and Kashmir”.
Ph.D. Viva-Voce Notification of Mr. Muheeb Ahad, Department of Islamic Studies
Viva-Voce Notification of M.Phil. Scholars, Department of Arabic
Revised Datesheet for B.Voc, Semester-IV
Admission Notification for M.Sc. Mathematics
Notice for the candidates listed in waiting list of M.Sc. Physics, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany and EVS.
Interview Notice for Guest Faculty in Nursing Colleges of BGSB University
Admission Notice for Management Seats/ All India Seats for B.Sc.(Nursing) : 2021-22
Advertisement and Application Form for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc. Bioresources Biotechnology Programme through Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B)-2021
Notification -II regarding Extension of Last Date for Admission to M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Env. Science, M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. Mathematics
BGSBU condoles the demise of Mr. Tazeem Tantray
Notification regarding Extension of Last Date for Admission to to M.Sc. Zoology, M.Sc. Botany, M.Sc. Env. Science, M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. Mathematics
Notification regarding commencement of online Classes for newly admitted students w.e.f. september 06, 2021
Order regarding Enhancement of DA to 28 percent and HRA to 9 percent
Office Memo for information of the on roll students of BGSBU for Vaccination against COVID-19
Office Memo to ensure attendance of all the employees of the University
Notification regarding Final Evaluation Key for the Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
Final Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Environmental Science Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
Final Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Botany Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
Final Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Zoology Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
Final Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Physics Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
Final Answer Key for Evaluation of M.Sc. Mathematics Entrance Test Conducted on August 21, 2021
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Taslima Sheikh, Department of Zoology
Second List of the Provisionally Selected Candidates for Admission to MCA Programme 2021
BGSBU celebrates 75 Independence Day, 2021
Notification Regarding Entrance Test to Five PG programmes (Zoology, Botany, EVS, Mathematics and Physics) for the year 2021.
Applications are Invited for the position of JRF in ICMR funded project.
Revised Selection List for Admission to M.A. Urdu Programme, Session 2021-22
Notification regarding Free Transportation Facility for applicants on Counselling dates 12 & 13 August 2021
Selection List for Admission to M.A. Economics Programme, Session 2021-22
Order regarding 14 percent matching contribution for NPS Employees
Revised Instructions for Admission to Various Academic Programmes, 2021 (For Non- Entrance Test Based Programmes)
Selection List for Admission to M.Sc. Microbiology Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.A. Islamic Studies Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to MBA Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.A. English Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to Integrated MCA Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to MCA Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to MBA-HTM Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.A. Education Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.Ed. Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to B.Ed. Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to B.Tech, Lateral Entry Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to B.Tech Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to B.A. Arabic Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.A. Arabic Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to BBA Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to M.Sc. IT Programme, Session 2021-22
Selection List for Admission to Diploma in Engineering Programme, Session 2021-22
BGSBU ranked 35th among Government Universities
National Anthem Singing Competition as part of 'Azadi ka Amrut Mohatsav' Celebrations.
Time Table for MA English 3rd Semester w.e.f. 2nd August, 2021
Last date for online submission of Admission forms extended up-to August 07, 2021
Ph.D. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Yasir Khanday, Department of English
Syllabus for Ph. D Entrance Test (Arabic) 2021
Notification Regarding SC/ ST/ OBC Cell
Notification Regarding Record maintenance of complaints received regarding caste based discrimination in higher education
Notification Regarding Prevention of caste based discrimination in higher education
Apex Advisory Committee for Admission
Admission Notice for B.Sc. Nursing, Session 2021-22
Last Date of submission of Online Admission Forms extended upto 31st July, 2021
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Islamic Studies
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Electrical Engineering
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Computer Sciences
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for M.Sc. Mathematics
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for M.Sc. Zoology
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Zoology
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Urdu
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Economics
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Information Technology and Engineering
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Electronics and Communication Enginering
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. English
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Revised Entrance Test Syllabus for Ph.D. Botany, Session 2021-22
Revised Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Environmental Sciences
Notification regarding Engagement of Guest Faculty in College of Nursing Rajouri, Jammu and Kishtwar
Pre Ph.D. Presentation Notification of Mr. Muntazir Abass Bhat, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Management Studies
Revised Date of Examination for Course Code: Mgt-246
Entrance Test Syllabus (Session 2021-22) for Ph.D. Biotechnology
Entrance Test Syllabus for M.Sc. Physics, Session 2021-22
Entrance Test Syllabus for Ph.D. Hospitality and Tourism, Session 2021-22
Entrance Test Syllabus for M.Sc. Botany, Session 2021-22
Entrance Test Syllabus for M.Sc. Biotechnology,Session 2021-22
Entrance Test Syllabus for M.Sc. Environmental Sciences,Session 2021-22
Academic Schedule for Counseling and Admission-2021
Admission for M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme 2021 ( through GAT-B)
Ph.D. Entrance test Syllabus (2021-22) for Mathematics
Notification Regarding Semester Fee for B.Tech, B.E. Evening and Diploma in Engineering Programmes
Pre submission presentation notification of Ms. Nafeesa Mushtaq , Ph.D. Economics
Datesheet of M.A. Economics, Semester-II (Regular and Backlog)
Notification regarding extension of Summer Vacations 2021
Datesheet of M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Semester-II (Theory and Lab Course)
Datesheet of MCA and IMCA, Semester-II (Theory and Lab Examination)
Datesheet of M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-II
Datesheet for conduct of MCQ based online Theory Examinations of students of MBA-HTM, Semester-II
Datesheet for conduct of MCQ based online Theory Examinations of students of B.Voc 2nd semester (July 2021, Regular and Backlog).
Datesheet for MBA, BBA (Regular and Backlog Examination), Semester-II
Last Date for Admission to UG, PG and Diploma Programmes , 15th July-2021 (Admission Notification No:02)
Ph.D. Admission Notification, 2021
M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Mr. Aabid Suhail, Department of Economics
Ph.D. and M.Phil. Viva Voce Notification of Ms. Azra Mufti and Mr.Tawseef Ahmed Parray . Respectively
Revised Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examination for B.Tech, Semester-II
Date sheet for M.Sc. IT, Semester-IV
Date sheet for M.Sc. IT, Semester-II
Datesheet of B.Voc, Semester-VI
Result Notification of Pre. Ph.D Examination, Department of Economics
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Civil Engineering
Revised NoC Format for B.Sc. Nursing Students
Notice Regarding Summer Vacations w.e.f. June 15, 2021
Result of Pre-Ph.D. Examination, Department of Information Technology
Datesheet of B.Tech, Semester-II (Backlog, Old Course)
Datesheet for M.A. Economics, Semester-IV
Datesheet for M.A. Urdu, Semester-IV
Datesheet for MBA,4th Semester and BBA-IVth and VIth Semester
Date Sheet for M.A. Arabic and B.A. Arabic(Hons), Semester-IV and Semester VI
Revised Date Sheet of B.Tech./BE (4, 6 & 8) semester
Datesheet for M.A. Islamic Studies, Semester-IV
Admission Notification for admission to UG, PG and Diploma Programmes, Session-2021
Date Sheet for the conduct of MCQs based online theory Examination of M.A English, 4th Semester
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Economics
Result notification of Pre-Ph. D Examination, Department of English
Date Sheet for Conduct of Online Theory Examinations (Regular & Backlog) of B.Ed, M.Ed & M.A (Edu) 4th Semester Examination to be held in June 2021
Academic Calendar
Notification regarding Semester Fee for P.G. Programmes, Semester-II
Datesheet for Conduct of Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Information Technology
Notification regarding Synopsis for Research Scholars, Department of Management Studies
Result of Pre. Ph.D. Examination, Department of Management Studies
All Deans/ HoD's/ Principals/ Coordinators/ Controlling Officers are required to Implement Government Order No:27-JK(DMRRR) of 2021 Dated:02-05-2021
Condolence Message on sad demise of former VC BGSBU: Prof. Irshad Ahmad Hamal
Datesheet for Conduct of Theory Examinaation for Pre- Ph.D. Course work,Batch-2020, Department of Management Studies
Applications are Invited for the post of Research Assistant for ICSSR Project, Department of Economics, BGSBU
Circular in View of Sharply Escalating CoVID-19 Pandemic.
BGSBU fraternity condoles the demise of the Nephew of Prof. Asif Hussain
BGSBU condoles the demise of Professor Ishtiyaque Danish
Proforma for availing official E-mail Facility.(For Research Scholars)
Office Memo for Research Scholars regarding University official E-mail
Online classes for all PG Departments except School of Biosciences and Biotechnology
Instructions for Admission to B.Sc. Nursing programme under NRI category
Admission Application form for B.Sc. Nursing (Self-Finance/NRI Seats)
Admission Notice for Self Finance/NRi Seats for B.Sc. Nursing, 2020-21
Allotment of Project Guide in Department of Mathematical Sciences
Walk in Interview for the post of Research Assistant in ICSSR Sponsored Project , Department of Management Studies
Condolences message of the Mother of Mohd Raiz, GDH
Condolences message of the mother of Saber Hussain, GDH
Circular for fee of 2nd semester of all P. G. and U. G. Programmes
Circular regarding fee for B.Tech , Semester-II and B.E. Evening, Semester-IV
Webinar on 'Introduction to Capital Market on March 26, 2021
Webinar on 'Leading Vs Managing' on 03 April, 2021
Notice of Open Viva-Voce of Ms. Firasath Nabi, Research Scholar in the Department of Computer Sciences
Office Memo to Enhance Research Productivity
Initiatives taken by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor during Ist Month
Notice regarding wearing of Face Mask while in Campus
Call for Articles/Artifacts for Establishment of Heritage Museum at BGSBU
Call for Articles/Artifacts for Establishment of Heritage Museum at BGSBU
COVID-19 Vaccination Drive on March 23, 2021
Condolence Message on untimely sad demise of Daughter of Sh. Nikhil Gupta
Programme on Gender Sensitization on 17 March, 2021
Postponement of PhD Viva-Voce of Mr. Vinay Kumar, School of Management Studies
Notice regarding Open Viva-Voce of Mr. Vinay Kumar, Research Scholar in the School of Management Studies
Notice for research scholars regarding rejoining the campus
Corrigendum to Advertisement No:GSBU/Zoo/Serb/21-03 for the post of JRF
Student Grievance Cell for Handling and Monitoring Student Grievances related to Examinations and Academics
Survey Committee for Inspection of Procurements made by various departments of the University for the Year 2021-22
Revised Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,2nd Year for College of Nursing Rajouri,Jammu and Kishtwar
In View of Conduct of objective type written test For the post of Class IV, offline classwork will remain suspended on 01-March,2021
Change in Exam Timing for MBA & BBA,Semester-I Examination Scheduled on 01 March,2021
Notice Invinting Tenders for Supply of pH-Meter,Weighing Balance, DSLR Camera, Workstation,Monitor , UPS Inverter with Battery at Department of Botany,BGSBU
Notice for Strict Compliance of SoP'S for all the students of Terminal Semester/Final Year Joining the Campus
Call for Suggestions/Input from members of Civil Society for BGSBU 15 Years Vision Document
Reforms in Examination System
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on temporary basis under the Research Project entitled “Developing methods for tolerance against drought and heat stress in Zea mays and Phaseolus vulgaris grown in Pir Panjal region of Jammu and Kashmir”, Sanctioned by the DST-SERB, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Notice regarding Commencement of offline classes w.e.f. 22/02/2021
Notice Regarding Even Semester Fee for Semester IV ,VI and VIII for B.Tech/B.E. Evening programme.
Notice Regarding Even Semester Fee for Semester IV and VI for UG and PG Programmes
Minutes of Meeting of Committee for Unfair means and Misconduct held on 19.01.2021
BGSBU Celebrates 72nd Republic Day
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under SERB-DST Core grant scheme.
Instruction for candidates appearing in B.Tech. / B.E Odd Semesters Exam Jan-Feb 2021
Notice for the Students Involved in Misconduct/Unfair means cases of PG,B.Tech and Diploma in Engineering during the odd Semester Examination held in December-January 2019-20
Advertisement for M.Sc. Bioresource Biotechnology-2020 [Walk-in Admission]
Application form for M.Sc. Bio Resource Biotechnology Programme
Theory Examination of B.Sc. Nursing 3rd, 2nd and 1st Year Stand Postponed.
Press Release Regarding Foundation Day-2020 (English)
Press Release Regarding Foundation Day-2020
Foundation Day Celebration-2020
Instructions for the Candidates appearing in Online UG, PG & Diploma Engineering (Backlog) Examinations December, 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic
Datesheet for B.Sc. Nursing,4th Year Examination
Notice regarding Fee For B.Sc. Nursing
Rescheduled Examination Notification for MBA-HTM, Semester-IV
Provisional Selection list-II for M.Sc. Bioresource Biotechnology Programme-DBT Sponsored
Provisional Selection list for M.Sc. Bioresource Biotechnology Programme-DBT Sponsored
Interview Notice for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under Research Project entitled “Expressional and functional studies of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) towards elucidating its role and interaction with other proteins of extracellular matrix for rational drug designing in overcoming the odyssey of muscle loss”
Interview Notice for Position of Project Assistant Under Project titled “Livelihood Enhancement and Economic Empowerment of Gujjar and Bakerwal Tribals through Rural Technology Interventions in District Rajouri (J&K), India”
Instructions for the Candidates appearing in Online B.Tech./B.E. End-of-Semesters II, IV, VI and VIII (Backlog) Examinations November, 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic
On spot admission notification for Engineering programmes
List of Selected Candidates for Admission to Ph.D. Biotechnology Programme
List of Selected Candidates for Admission to Ph.D. Zoology Programme
Application form for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc. Biotechnology and Bioresources
Advertisement for Admission in DBT-Supported M.Sc.Biotechnology and Bioresources programme through GAT-B,2020
Merit list of Candidates who applied for admission to Integrated MCA(Through CUCET)
Merit list of Candidates who applied for admission to MBA(Through CUCET)
Merit list of Candidates who applied for admission to MCA(Through CUCET)
Merit list of Candidates who applied for admission to M.Sc. I.T. (Through CUCET)
Admission Process and Counseling Schedule for Admission to MBA, M.Sc. I.T., MCA, Integrated MCA (Through cucet)
Condolence message on sad demise of Mother of Sh.Suneet Gupta,joint Registrar and S.S. to Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
List-II of Provisionally selected Candidates for Admission to MBA Programme
List-II of Provisionally selected Candidates for Admission to BBA Programme
List-II of Provisionally selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. Economics Programme
Selection List II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech (Lateral Entry) Civil Engineering
List-II of Provisionally selected Candidates for Admission to M.A. English Programme
List of Provisionally selected Candidates for Admission to M.Sc. Botany Programme
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Mathematics(Morning, Evening,App.Mathematics) 2020
Notice Regarding Account Details for Payment of Examination Fee
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A, Islamic Studies 2020
Ph.D. Notification of Mr. Mir Aadil, Department of Computer Sciences
Ph.D. Notification of Mr. Firdous Ahmad Qazi, Department of Management Studies
Selection List-IV of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Env.Science , 2020
Selection List-IV of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Botany , 2020
Selection List-III of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Microbiology , 2020
Selection List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Ph.D. Civil Engineering , 2020
Selection List-III of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Botany , 2020
Selection List-III of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Env.Science , 2020
Rescheduled Timing for Presentation and Interview for M.Phil./Ph.D. Biotechnology
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech,Civil Engg, 2020
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech, Lateral Entry, Civil Engg, 2020
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Env.Science , 2020
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Botany , 2020
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Microbiology , 2020
Selection List-II of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Zoology , 2020
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Biotechnology(Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Zoology(Academic Session 2020-21)
Notification Regarding Applications for admissions,Session 2020-21
Revised Guidelines for Admission to B.Sc. Nursing Programme in BGSBU Nursing Colleges
Submission of Online Scholarship Application under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme
'Ishan Uday' Special Scholarship Scheme for the year 2020-21
Post Graduate (PG) Indra Gandhi Scholarship for 2020-21
Extension in Last Date for Payment of Admission fee for Fresh Batch-2020
BGSBU fraternity condoles the sad demise of Sh.Pervaiz Akhter, GDH, BGSBU
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. English , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Voc (Tourism Management) , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. Islamic Studies , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A. (Hons.)Arabic , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. Arabic , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. Urdu , 2020
Rescheduled Date of Examination for M.Ed-413
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Integrated MCA , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to MCA , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. Economics , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to BBA , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to MBA , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc.Applied Mathematics , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Mathematics (Evening Session) , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Mathematics (Morning Session) , 2020
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Education(Academic Session 2020-21)
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Zoology , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Ed. , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Ed. , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.A. Education , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Microbiology , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. I.T , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to MBA (Hospitality and Tourism) , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Botany, 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to M.Sc. Env.Science, 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Information Technology and Engineering , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.E. Evening (Civil Engineering ), 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Civil Engineering (Lateral Entry), 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Electrical Engineering (Lateral Entry), 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Computer Science and Engineering , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry) , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Diploma in Engineering (Lateral Entry) , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to Diploma in Engineering , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech-Civil Engg , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech-E.E , 2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech-ECE (Lateral Entry),2020
List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.Tech-ECE,2020
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in English(Academic Session 2020-21)
List of Candidates who are eligible for Ph. D. Interview/Presentation (ISLAMIC STUDIES), 2020
List of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Urdu(Academic Session 2020-21)
Advertisement Notice for the Posts of Accounts Assistant (Contractual) in BGSB University
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics(Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Computer Sciences (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Botany(Academic Session 2020-21)
Admission Notification for Session 2020-21
Notification for eligible Candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme in Education
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Islamic Studies (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Urdu (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Arabic (Academic Session 2020-21)
Revised Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Information Technology (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Economics (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Management (Academic Session 2020-21)
Presentation Notification of Eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. Civil Engineering Programme (Academic Session 2020-21)
Date Sheet for Conduct of Online University Examination of Diploma Engineering Courses,Semester-VI
Instructions for Candidates appearing in Online Examinations August-September, 2020 amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Fee structure for B.Tech and B.E (Evening) Programme for IIIrd, Vth, VIIth Semester
Fee structure for P.G. and U.G. Programme
Advertisement Notification for Appointment of Vice Chancellor
Time Table for M.Sc. I.T. ,Semester-III, Session June-Dec,2020
Guidelines/SOP's for conducting Online Classes
AICTE, Letter of approval for University Polytechnic
BGSBU applauded for its excellent progress in MHRD-World Bank funded TEQIP-III Programme an additional grant of Rs. 1.1 crore sanctioned
Instructions for filling Backlog Examination form
Examination form for Backlog students
Ph.D Result notification of Ms. Sabah Javed, Department of Management Studies
Last Date for Admissions-2020 extended till 31st July, 2020
Order regarding Rejoining University All Faculty
Academic Arrangement for Nursing Colleges of the University. 2020-21
DBT supported M.Sc. Biotechnology Program at BGSBU
Advertisement by Regional Centre for Biotechnology for GAT B-2020
Graduate Aptitude Test -(GAT-B) 2020 Eligibility test for admission to DBT Supported M.Sc. Biotechnology
Project Viva Voce for M.Sc. I.T. 4th Semester (Course Code. MIT-441) is scheduled on June 15,2020 at 11:00AM
Vacancies /Academic arrangement for Teaching (2020-21)
Admission Notification for B.Sc Nursing Programme 2020-21
Summer vacations for teaching staff (Main campus) and Nursing college Jammu w.e.f 01/06/2020 to 30/06/2020
List of Qualified candidates in written test for M.Phil/Ph.D programme(all subjects) held in March, 2020
Last Date for Admissions-2020 extended till 30th June, 2020
Webinar on "Emotional Intelligence: Communicating Inspirational Leadership Within Organizations" On 28th May, 2020
Last date for Expression of Interest (EoI) invited for providing software/online platform for conduct of online examinations extended to May 31, 2020
Expression of Interest (EoI) is invited for providing software/online platform for conduct of online examinations
Last Date for Admissions-2020 extended till 31st May, 2020
Revised Academic Schedule 2019-20
BGSBU fights against COVID-19 online contest-2020
Grievance cell and Help lines for handling and monitoring student grievances related to examinations during COVID-19 pandemic
Last date for submission of Application for admission to UG/PG and Diploma Programmes is 15th May,2020
Message from Dean Academic Affairs to all Teaching Faculty (II)
Message from Dean Academic Affairs to all Teaching Faculty
Precautionary closure of University on account of threat of COVID-19.
Circular regarding e-tutorials to compensate the academic loss due to suspension of teaching in the University up to 31st March; 2020
Order regarding Closure of Hostels in BGSBU in view of COVID-19 treat.
List of Candidates appearing for M.Phil. / Ph.D. Entrance test at Srinagar Centre
Teaching work remains suspended upto 31st March, 2020 in view of COVID-19 treat.
University Admission Cell
Circular regarding COVID 19 UGC Advisory Compliance by BGSBU
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in English
Roll No of candidates appearing for Ph.D. programme entrance test in Zoology
Roll No of candidates appearing for Ph.D. programme entrance test in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Roll No of candidates appearing for Ph.D. programme entrance test in Civil Engineering
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Biotechnology
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Urdu
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Computer Sciences
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Islamic Studies
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Arabic
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil. programme entrance test in Hospitality and Tourism
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil. programme entrance test in Education
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Economics
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Management Studies
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Information Technology
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Botany
Roll No of candidates appearing for M.Phil./Ph.D. programme entrance test in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
Press Note Regarding Revised Venue of Entrance Test for M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programme
Revised Venue of Entrance test for M.Phil. and Ph.D. programme entrance test-2020
International Student Cell
Entrance test Date announced for M.Phil. and Ph.D.Programme
Applications are invited for a position of Project Assistant in the project sanctioned by DST-SEED,Govt. of India
Admission Prospectus 2020
Ph.D Notification of Mr.Ishtiaq Ahmed Shah, Department of Arabic
Ph.D Notification of Mr. Atif Javed Qazi, Deapartment of Management Studies
Ph.D Notification of Ms.Sayeeda Wajal, Department of Arabic
Admission Application form for various PG, UG, and Diploma Programmes
Applications are invited for a position of JRF in the project sanctioned by DST-SERB,Govt. of India
Admission Notification-2020
Budget 2020 analysis at School of Management Studies
One Day National Seminar on"Sir Syed-Dignified Personality"on 12th March, 2020 organised by School of Islamic Studies and Languages.
Notification regarding conversion of CGPA to Percentage
AICTE Approved Short Term Course on "Open Source Technologies" through ICT from 10th-14th Feburary, 2020
Registration form for One week workshop on Design in Power Electronics Organised by Department of Electrical Engineering, BGSBU from 6th February, 2020
Republic Day Celebration Ceremony
Advertisement Notice for M.Phil and Ph.D Admissions 2020
Advertisement Notice for M.Phil and Ph.D Admissions 2020
Application form for MPhil Programme Entrance Test 2020
Application form for PhD Programme Entrance Test 2020
Notification regarding Postponed Exam of 2 January, 2020 and Re-Scheduled Dates for BE and B.Tech Evening Semester V and VII
Notification regarding Postponed Exam of 2 January, 2020 and Re-Scheduled Dates
Notification regarding Tenders invited vide NIT no: BGSBU/LIB/2019-20/F-180/9204 dated 18-10-2019 regarding supply of Books to Central Library
Advertisement for post of JRF in Department of Botany
Notice regarding change in time of Commencement M.Sc. Biotechnology and Microbiology odd Semester Exam Dec. Jan 2019-20
List of Participants Shortlisted for DST Sponsored two week FDP
TEQIP-III: Minor Research Grant Scheme for Faculty Members of SoET, BGSBU
Advertisement Notice for various Teaching Positions in different departments at BGSB University
Mufti Mohammad Sayeed Fellowship: Enabling J&K students for Global Leadership