Programme Specific Outcome
PSO1: This programme is flexible and caters to professional and intellectual goals.
PSO2: The Literature component offers a comprehensive view of the world traditions with in a global
critical perspective.
PSO3: The students get acquainted to national and international literature.
PSO4: The language component provides grounding in the fields of rhetoric, composition and pedagogy.
PSO5: The programme emphasizes on the importance of reading with sensitivity and understanding of writing clearly
and concisely.
PSO6: The different genres of literature enrich students with experiences of life.
PSO7: Drama allows students to communicate with each other and understand others in new ways. It is an important
tool to make students more team oriented rather than self centered. It also develops tolerance and empathy.
PSO8: Novels and stories allow the students to gain access to deep imagined lives than their own.
PSO9: Experiencing complex moral situations enriches the students with pool of experiences.
PSO10: Poetry helps to understand how language and symbol system works.
PSO11: It expresses emotions, feelings and aesthetics.
PSO1: To learn the research writing skills & techniques.
PSO2: To develop understanding of existing theories.
PSO3: To learn how to apply a theory on a text.
PSO4: To inculcate the research ethics in young scholars.
PSO5: To practice original research by avoiding plagiarism.
PSO6: To extend the horizons of critical and evaluative thinking.
PSO7: To encourage inclusive researchers to think critically & innovatively to understand the contemporary
Curriculum designed for Pre-Ph. D Course work by the Dept. of English is divided into two paper
1. Research Methodology
2. Literary Theory & Criticism
The Curriculum focuses following points:
PSO1: Research Methodology is a significant component of Research; this paper introduces Scholars to various Research Methodologies.
PSO2: Plagiarism is the most significant aspect of Research. Research Methodology paper stresses on imparting ethics of writing to the students.
PSO3: Many Scholars aware about the importance of citation of works and the correct method of citing books, as prescribed by the relevant authorities.
PSO4: General information regarding Research activities.
PSO5: Second paper of curriculum introduces Scholars to Literary Theory.
PSO6: Literary Theory in recent past has been a significant aspect of Research activity in English Literature; Scholars are made aware about theory.
PSO7: Scholars become skillful in application theory on the works of Literature.
PSO8: This paper preparing students to carry their Research work smoothly.