Programme Specific Outcome
M. Sc. MATHEMATICS(Regular and Evening)
After completing this program successfully, we expect a student
PSO1. to have sufficient understanding of some core areas of Mathematics such as Real and Complex Analysis, Topology, Functional Analysis and Operator theory, Abstract and Linear Algebra, Galois theory, ODE, Numerical Analysis etc.
PSO2. to have sufficient knowledge of applications of above mentioned mathematical areas in various other fields of Mathematics and real world.
PSO3. to have deep understanding of that part of Mathematics which he or she encounters in National and State Level Eligibility tests(NET/ SET).
PSO4. to have a training of surfing internet for research purposes and to do team work through projects undertaken by the students in final semester.
PSO5. is prepared with such a strong background of the subject that he/she can do quality research of international repute in core areas of Mathematics.
PSO6. is prepared with such a strong background of the subject that he / she can acquire advanced knowledge of the subject independently.
PSO7. is enabled with good communication skills in both verbal and written forms.
PSO8. gets enough confidence to speak before gatherings by making him to go through a series of presentations in the class room during his / her course of the study.
PSO9. have sufficient computer skills which he / she requires in his / her further studies in the subject.
PSO10. have sufficient introduction to Mathematical software MATLAB, LATEX and SPSS.
M. Sc. MATHEMATICS (Specialization: Applied Mathematics)
After completing this program successfully, we expect a student
PSO1. to have sufficient understanding of some core areas of Applied Mathematics such as Real and Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Abstract and Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, ODE and PDE, Harmonic Analysis and wavelets, Mathematical Programming, Graph theory, Financial and Biological Mathematics etc.
PSO2. to have sufficient knowledge of applications of above mentioned areas in various areas of Science and Technology, banking sectors, industries etc.
PSO3. to have a fair knowledge of the methodology involved in case studies of real life problems.
PSO4. to have deep understanding of that part of Mathematics which he or she encounters in National and State Level Eligibility tests(NET/ SET).
PSO5. to have a training of surfing internet for research purposes and to do team work through projects undertaken by the students in final semester.
PSO6. is prepared with such a strong background of the subject that he/she can do quality research of international repute in core areas of Mathematics.
PSO7. is prepared with such a strong background of the subject that he / she can acquire advanced knowledge of the subject independently.
PSO8. is enabled with good communication skills in both verbal and written forms.
PSO9. have sufficient computer skills which he / she requires in his / her further studies in the subject.
PSO10. gets enough confidence to speak before gatherings by making him to go through a series of presentations in the class room during his / her course of the study.
PSO11. have sufficient computer skills which he / she requires in his / her further studies in the subject.
PSO12. have sufficient introduction to Mathematical software MATLAB, LATEX and SPSS.
After completing this program successfully, we expect a student
has advanced understanding, in all respects, of a specific area of Mathematics / Applied Mathematics.
has a deep understanding of doing the comparative study.
has understood the fundamental ethics of research.
has understood how to surf internet for collecting research material.
has a fair understanding of active areas of research which rests on the foundation that he or she developed during his or her Post graduate program.
has a fair knowledge of Plagiarism so that he or she may not get involved in any kind of embarrassing situation.
gets a training of doing team work.
has got a deep understanding of putting down his / her findings in the form of a dissertation.
has understood the measures of quality of a Journals.
has a good knowledge of preparing talks for various conferences related to his/ her area.
has acquired a fair amount of confidence to face the audience through presentations made by him/her in conferences / seminars/ workshops.
is able to apply some part of his knowledge for the betterment of the society.
is able to understand the importance of interdisciplinary research and has the ability to do it up to some extent.
After completing this program successfully, we expect a student
has advanced understanding, in all respects, of a specific area of Mathematics / Applied Mathematics.
has a fair amount of knowledge of the frontiers of the area of his / her interest.
has a deep understanding of how to do comparative study.
has understood the fundamental ethics of research.
has understood how to surf internet for collecting research material.
has a fair understanding of active areas of research which rests on the foundation that he or she developed during his or her Post graduate program.
has a fair knowledge of Plagiarism so that he or she may not get involved in any kind of embarrassing situation.
has a deep understanding of the strategies involved in writing research papers/ projects.
has a training of doing team work.
is able to understand the importance of interdisciplinary research and has the ability to do it up to sufficient extent.
has got a deep understanding of putting down his / her findings in the form of a thesis.
has understood the measures of quality of a Journals.
has a good knowledge of preparing talks for various conferences related to his/ her area.
has acquired a fair amount of confidence to face the audience through presentations made by him/her in conferences / seminars/ workshops.
is able to apply some part of his knowledge for the betterment of the society.