Department of Physics

Course Scheme

Master of Physics

Course Code & Course Title For  Semester I

MPH-111 Classical Mechanics and Relativity

MPH-112 Mathematical Physics

MPH-113 Numerical Methods and Programming (C++)

MPH-114 Electronics

MPH-115 Quantum Mechanics-I

Lab Courses

MPH-116 General Physics Lab

MPH-117 Electronics Lab

Course Code & Course Title For  Semester II

MPH-211 Quantum Mechanics-II

MPH-212 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

MPH-213 Atomic Physics and Molecular Spectroscopy

MPH-214 Electrodynamics

MPH-215 Seminar

Choice Based Open Elective Courses (Student are required to opt any one of the following courses)

IT. 202 Soft skills in Information Technology

Comp. 203 Computer Applications and Operations

Bio. 204 Fundamentals of Biotechnology

Bot. 205 Mysteries of Green Plants

Bot. 206 Botany in Rural Development

Zol. 207 Nutrition, Health and Hygiene

Arab. 208 Fundamentals of Arabic Language

Eng. 209 Applied English

Edu. 210 Higher Education

Eco. 211 Principles of Banking

HT. 212 Basics of Tourism and Travel Agencies

HT. 213 Tourism Resources of J and K

Mgt. 214 Business communication and soft skills

Edu. 215  Instructional Technology

Lab Courses
MPH-21 Advanced General Physics Lab

Course Code & Course Title For  Semester III

MPH-311 Condensed Matter Physics ( General)
MPH-312 Nuclear Physics (General)
MPH-313 Condensed Matter Physics ( Special) 
MPH-314 Nuclear Physics (Special)

Choice Based Open Elective Courses (Student are required to opt any one of the following courses)

MPH-331 Materials Science and Characterization

MPH-332 Biomedical Instrumentation

MPH-333 Signal Processing and Comm.

MPH-334 Biophotonics

MPH-335 Thin film Science and Technology

MPH-336 Nanoscience and Technology

MPH-337 Satellite Comm. and Remote sensing

MPH-338 Radiation Physics

MPH-339 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor

Lab Courses

MPH- 315 Project work – Phase I

MPH- 316 Advanced Electronics Lab

Course Code & Course Title For  Semester IV

MPH-411 Condensed Matter Physics ( General)

MPH-412 Nuclear Physics (General)

MPH-413 Condensed Matter Physics ( Special)

MPH-414 Nuclear Physics (Special)

Choice Based Open Elective Courses (Student are required to opt any one of the following Courses)

MPH-441 Nanophotonics

MPH-442 Chaos and Solitons

MPH-443 Nonlinear Optics and Materials

MPH-444 Nonlinear Fibre Optics

MPH-445 Advanced Optics And Laser Technology

MPH-446 Astrophysics                                 

Lab Courses 
MPH-415 Project work – Phase II