Department of Biotechnology

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)

M.Sc. Biotechnology:

PSO1: Use the scientific methods, and critical thinking skills to ask questions and solve problems.

PSO2: Follow a protocol independently, including locating materials and equipment, practicing good lab procedures and accurately performing all experimental procedures.

PSO3: Analyze experimental results, differentiating between expected and unexpected results, trouble shooting, interpreting results and making conclusions.

PSO4: Demonstrate proficiency in maintaining a safe work place, including observation of lab safety procedures, use of personal protective equipment, identification hazards and proper disposal of commonly used chemicals and bioharzrdous materials.

PSO5: Demonstrate improvement in communication skills, including maintenance of laboratory notebooks, oral presentations and written reports.

PSO6:Development of understanding about various techniques employed in studying and manipulating living organisms.

PSO7:Development of Scientific oratory skills through seminar presentations.

PSO8: Identify carriers in biotechnology and skills required for landing a job.
M. Phil/Ph. D Biotechnology :

Upon successful completion of the M. Phil/Ph. D Biotechnology programme, the students will be able to:

PSO1: Keep pace with the expanding frontiers of knowledge and provides research training relevant to the present social and economic objectives of the country.

PSO2: Use the scientific methods, and critical thinking skills to ask questions and solve problems.

PSO3: Write a good research report and acquires the skill of presenting data in graphical form.

PSO4: Follow a protocol independently, including locating materials and equipment, practicing good lab procedures and accurately performing all experimental procedures.

PSO5: Analyze experimental results, differentiating between expected and unexpected results, trouble shooting, interpreting results and making conclusions.

PSO6: Demonstrate proficiency in maintaining a safe work place, including observation of lab safety procedures, use of personal protective equipment, identification hazards and proper disposal of commonly used chemicals and biohazardous materials.

PSO7: Demonstrate improvement in communication skills, including maintenance of laboratory notebooks, oral presentations and written reports.

PSO8: Identify carriers in biotechnology and skills required for landing a job.

PSO9: Work in a government-based entity such as Universities, research institutes or at private centers as research scientists/assistant in the native country and outside as well.